
Green Tea

A 29-year-old French man passed the certification exam of Japanese green tea instructor in 2009 and now he is serving tea for visitors in an underground supermarket in downtown Tokyo. He has a lot of knowledge on how to prepare tea, the variety of them.

He liked Japan since he was a kid and studied Japanese art history in college in France. He came to Japan in 2005 and got fascinated by Japanese green tea. He didn't have any Japanese friend well versed in tea, so he read tea guides, bought a variety of teas and resorted trial and error in learning how to prepare tea.

In the past tea ceremony was common all over Japan but we seldom hold one nowadays. It was always the international students that were interested in tea and wanted to learn about it more, like this French guy. He is more knowledgeable than ordinary Japanese. He wishes that more people appreciate the tea culture in Japan. It goes well with any meal and suit people's palates, he says. It sometimes happen that people from overseas finds something good in Japan and let us know its allure.

As an aside...
You can find a bottle of green tea with sugar in it in Singapore! Many of my Japanese friends and I couldn't finish it because it was too sweet. The taste bud is really different from county to country.


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