
Scentful Gift

いい香りのバスグッズもらっちゃった☆ 嬉しい〜 香りづくし!


友達が買ってきてくれてた!! うれしい〜☆☆ 消す前に、make a wish! I actually had two wishes~~


Just turned 25

I'm a quarter century old now...
Got a lot of wishes and gifts from my friends, colleagues and family, and it makes me feel so grateful.

I'll do my best to materialize my goals and be a positive, considerate and decisive person! It's great to spend my special day at home~^^

Present from my colleague!

It's so nice of her. I wonder if I told her that my favorite color was green. It may have been obvious because I wear green very often. Something to look forward to summer!

B-day gift from Michigan!

Finally I got to open it! I waited for 5 days till today and it made my days so exciting!
The candle has a scent of lily, and looks so nice with the accessory. Deer socks are so cute too.. I'm very lucky to have such good friends!!


B-day present from Cali!

My friend in California sent me a birthday gift! Godiva, five different flavors, so nice!! He now moved to Texas. I hope everything goes well there:)



French lunch 2



went to the city library and borrowed ten books.
It was a hot, sunny day. It was still cold a month ago but it is already like summer.
Summer is coming again soon. Time passes umbelievably fast!!!!


Korean chige soup

Already miss Korean food and lots of side dishes. I made some chige-like soup.. mmm

Seattle's Best Coffee!

At Kokura!
Coffee and scone were so nice! I wish they make it non-smoking..