
Warm Saturday 温かい土曜日に今学期の計画を(遅。。)


あっという間に過ぎてしまった今週。うっそん、一月が終わってしまう! 授業が緩やかな始まり方だったので、今学期は心穏やかに過ごせるかなと思ったけれど…なかなか増えてきました。

Finish my PhD proposal and submit my review article!! I've been working on my proposal for so long! I must finish it with a definite deadline so that I can move on to my committee meeting and comprehensive exams. Fortunately this semester is not crazy busy, so I should be able to have enough time to complete my proposal. It's also a nice timing that I'm taking a writing workshop. The professor said we need to be pushed to get things done, and so we, five students, told what our goals were. I told them that I wanted to finish writing my proposal and review article on bean paste. Now that they remember it, I need to do it by the end of the semester! It's very effective to tell someone else that you would do a certain thing because you will have an external pressure to do it. It's hard to discipline oneself when you have hundreds of excuses to make. I'm glad the class is pushing me. Also, I have known the professor before the class started, and I told him last March that I was working on my proposal. It was a bit embarrassing to tell him that I am still writing it after almost a year!! I need to finish it. The genomics class was really helpful to learn to manage time because I had papers to read, homework to do, and a proposal to write, with strict deadlines for each one. I was able to write a full proposal in three months, so there is no reason I cannot do it again.

Do cooking experiment and color measurement on a small subset of my panel to see if there is significant difference between the three locations. Write a report and maybe present at a meeting by the end of February. This should not take too much time, but it's better to start early.

DNA library preparation on 200+ lines with my labmate. (!!)

Give a presentation at a conference mid March. Decided. There is no going back. It will be a memorable experience. I need to learn a lot about a new field of study. Finish experiments with the post-doc and draft my presentation by the end of March.

Do another experiment on bean paste after coming back from the conference. I need to do it before my travel to Japan. Experiment in March - April, then manuscript writing in May, hopefully.

I only have 4.5 months to go to do all of this!!! Now I realised that I need to work hard.

1. 研究計画書、レビュー論文を書く、そして終わらせる(大事)。
2. CTと発色のミニ実験をする。レポートにするかミーティング発表。
3. DNAライブラリを構築。どれくらい時間がかかるか不明なのが厄介。
4. 3月中旬に学会発表。
5. 3-4月で次の実験。5月に論文草稿書く。ポスター発表が先かも。

今学期はライティングの授業を取っていて、それを担当している教授とはそれ以前からの知り合いなのですが、ここ一年くらい「最近どう?」「研究計画書書いてるんです…」という会話が。進んでない!のが恥ずかしい。ライティングの授業では、4人のクラスメイトと、今学期が終わるまでに何の書き物を終わらせたいかについて宣言し合い、やる気を高めました。やっぱり人に言っておくとやらなきゃってなる。リストにするとこの4か月半で何をすべきかが見えてくる。ここでも宣言してしまったからにはやろう! いかに効率よく動けるかだなあ。

6月は帰国☆☆☆ 髪をすいてアッシュして、日本の景観美に触れ、文具屋さんをはしご、そして和食を満喫したい。それを目的に頑張ろう!!

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