
The beginning of the new school year is just around the corner...

It's a sunset, but it looks like dawn, a new beginning as well. Like lots of things, the end and the beginning are just the two sides of one coin.

Every day is so so short that I cannot get anything done! Everyday there is something urgent I need to take immediate action on!!

I got to talk with some first year students who just started these days. They are fresh, excited, full of dreams, and a bit nervous about taking classes and building their own research projects. It was very nice that they found me and reached out. It's very smart of them because there are many things that you would wish you had known earlier, and that kind of things tend to make your life easier once you know them.

I am sure the first year students will learn a lot and soon be doing cool projects and activities. I now feel like a grandma to grow, shine, and fly. It's nice to have new friends to go though this graduate school journey with!


Oh deer meat

Looking for new ways to eat protein... 
One is venison jerky, a snack with 12 g protein made just from venison, salt and pepper. It was very salty though... Deer meat has strong flavor, but this one did not feel very strong though it is clear that it was different from beef. Hmm.. I will buy this again when they reduce the sodium content! 


O magazyne by Oprah, the resilient woman

I got a year subscription of a magazine of choice as a perk of my mobile carrier! I chose "O, The Oprah Magazine". It is claimed to be the only magazine that help you lead a good and smart life. So it covers various topics not just fashion, weight loss, or love life that typical women's magazines cover. The Opera Magazine, or so-called "O", covers mental health, lessons from life, tips not to let your smartphone make you dumb etc...  Another reading material, something I can do without staring at a computer screen! 

I personally respect Oprah Winfley. She has an amazing character, and has been on TV for a long time. She discusses controversial issues, expresses herself bravely, and yet attracts people with her very frank, friendly, and considerate personality. Once she helped Ellen de Generes come out as a gay in the early 1990s, there was a huge backlash not only against Ellen but also Oprah just for supporting Ellen. Oprah and Ellen talked again in a show after two decades, during which same sex relationships became much more accepted. Oprah confessed that she got hate letters at that time saying as nasty things as "Go back to Africa". Considering the African American's history, this is unbelievably rude and insulting. But she said she learned from it that not everyone is as open as you think they are - she learned a life lesson, and stayed strong through the controversy at the time. It is very humble of her to recall the gratuitous insults in such a positive way. At the end of the day, it is best to stick to what you believe is right.   


Dumbbells and Fruits

Summer is going away! Since I will be travelling the last week of August, there are only two weeks left to finish GWAS analysis on 2018 data, submit my paste paper, write a lit review on another project, prepare a short purpose presentation for the next meeting, and to prep for a lightening talk for the conference! Planning is critical. I want to finish all of them by the end of the week. 

Finally got a set of dumbbells to torn my arms! Only 3 lb or 5 lb were available, and I could only lift 3 comfortably. I think it's a good weight to start with! It was 10% off at the time, a blessing encouragement. The key to sore arm (effectiveness) is speed. With this light weight, I think I need to do a fast-paced exercise to make it challenging enough. 

Fruit bowl! I am so glad that fruits are fresh and affordable in Michigan. But I really should start looking for convenient protein supplement.


Summer sky

Working on my sequencing analysis and writing my papers for months now.  I just can't look at a computer screen after work.  My eyesight is probably worse.  It's too bad that though computers are amazing and indispensabile to our lives, we need to use it to do anything and everything constantly exposing our eyes to blue lights and tiring them.

Look at the skies sometimes.. it feels surprisingly refreshing. 



行きつけの歯医者の歯科衛生士さんが昨年から変わって、今回で3回目のクリーニングだったのだけど、なんとフレンドリーで、今までと違った! 過去2回はビジネスライクで全く会話もなければ何もなかったのに、今回は「元気?最近どう?」から始まり、「口開けてね~」の一声にも優しさがこもる。

これは多分、この職場の雰囲気によるものだろう、と推察する。ここの歯医者さんは、誰もかれもものすごく親切でフレンドリー(親しさ、と訳したらいいのか?)で、スタッフ同士の人間関係が良好なのもよくわかる。やはり周りの人間の影響は大きいのだ! 人って変わらないのが大半だけど、良い雰囲気の職場にいて、そこに混ざるメリットを感じれば、人は変わるのだな~と感慨深かった。
