
O magazyne by Oprah, the resilient woman

I got a year subscription of a magazine of choice as a perk of my mobile carrier! I chose "O, The Oprah Magazine". It is claimed to be the only magazine that help you lead a good and smart life. So it covers various topics not just fashion, weight loss, or love life that typical women's magazines cover. The Opera Magazine, or so-called "O", covers mental health, lessons from life, tips not to let your smartphone make you dumb etc...  Another reading material, something I can do without staring at a computer screen! 

I personally respect Oprah Winfley. She has an amazing character, and has been on TV for a long time. She discusses controversial issues, expresses herself bravely, and yet attracts people with her very frank, friendly, and considerate personality. Once she helped Ellen de Generes come out as a gay in the early 1990s, there was a huge backlash not only against Ellen but also Oprah just for supporting Ellen. Oprah and Ellen talked again in a show after two decades, during which same sex relationships became much more accepted. Oprah confessed that she got hate letters at that time saying as nasty things as "Go back to Africa". Considering the African American's history, this is unbelievably rude and insulting. But she said she learned from it that not everyone is as open as you think they are - she learned a life lesson, and stayed strong through the controversy at the time. It is very humble of her to recall the gratuitous insults in such a positive way. At the end of the day, it is best to stick to what you believe is right.   

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