
Christmas lunch party

Got invited to a family gathering by a choir friend. She has three children who are all grown-ups now. They live in different cities in the US and visit her during the holiday season. I had a good time there because they welcomed me and we had some things in common such as knowing a little bit of Japanese, having lived in foreign countries, and one of them just earned a graduate degree. Having commonalities helps greatly expand conversation. Some of them used to sing in a choir, too.  

It was nice to see men working a lot in the kitchen. They helped serve food, prepare ingredients, and washed the dishes along with women. My friend raised these guys right!  A wineglass was dropped and shattered, but it was made into a joke - "If something's not broken, it's not real Christmas!"

People brought food, the host made food, and there was a lot of leftovers for the following day, when two couples were going to take a road trip back home. With lots of people in the kitchen, lots of food, and lots of fun conversations, it felt just like Japan's new year's day celebration.    

In a countryside..  my friend and her partner have soybeans and corn grown in their field.

2 pet horses!!

We tried hard to groom 

Don't ask me why it's asymmetry!

 Roasted prime rib 

 Left: cauliflower , mushroom, onion in coconut milk. Right: Roasted cauliflower. Thanks to a vegan relative, there were a lot of vegetable dishes!! 

2 huge dogs too!!

German shepherd 

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