
New exercise! - sprinting

It will help me catch a bus, or run away from danger!


Sparty coloring

Sparty coloring for kids, but adults have fun too!
Outline extraction was automatic with Ibis Paint. Such a wonderful software it is.













"Access to path denied" error

QTL IciMapping software threw an error when I tried to open an input file. "Access to path denied."

Seems like there is security restriction in my folders.

1. Right click the folder that has your software or the folder that has files that you want to open.
2. Security tab
4. Give it Full Control.
5. Similarly, give full control to ALL RESTRICTED APPLICATION PACKAGES.
6. Similarly, give full control to Users (YOUR_PC_NAME\Users).
7. Apply --> OK.

Should open your file now!



Very milky protein crackers

Tried to make protein crackers using whey powder, egg white protein powder, eggs, and a bit of tapioca and corn starch.  BUT this had a strong smell of whey protein, something like skim milk for babies..?  I could not stand it... 

I did not have to add baking powder.  It makes it like a hard biscuit and gives thickness, which you don't want in your crackers.

Milk flavor is noticeable to me, and it made me come to think about "off flavor" of pulse products.  The industry thinks that one of the biggest challenges is the strong beany flavor because a lot of consumers consider it as an off flavor.  For us who are used to eating pulses do not notice it and think "If you eat pulses often enough, you won't notice it and it'll be fine."  But it may not be a proper solution to those who really does not like the flavor, if beany flavor to them is milk flavor to me. 

Then what can we do?  Flavor is such a vital component of a food, so is it a good idea to just remove or mask it?  Does it mask the identity of the food?  It depends on the purpose of the food, I guess, because if you really need to eat something whose flavor turns you off, then you just need to mask the flavor with whatever method available.  

On the other hand, you may get used to a certain flavor to some extent because a lot of food preferences and taste are acquired.  The problem is whether you can push yourself to eat something that you do not like where there are so many other choices. 

The valley may be deep lying between pulse lovers and pulse haters.  One thing that is probably effective is to let children eat pulses and get used to them.  They do not have established taste buds yet, and they will not mind the pulse flavors if they grow up with them.      

Shrimp Lo Mein

I got to eat shrimp lo mein - fried noodles!  It is simply just delicious.  The power of fermented seasoning.  The onions were cooked, not raw, which is great!  I've had a craving for noodles for a while, so finally came true! It's a 10 min bike ride to the restaurant, so I get to exercise before a delicious meal.

With "No touch" order in town, there was a sign that says "Call this number to order. No touch." So I called the number in front of the restanrant and saw a lady inside just answer it. We waved to each other and I placed my order from just outside.

I think she asked me in Chinese "Do you speak Chinese?", but I said "No".  I should re-learn Chinese language! 

エビ焼きそば…焼きそばが無性に食べたかった(単に炭水化物を欲していた説も)ので嬉しかった! しかも9ドルで安かった。片道10分の自転車でいい運動。これを機にいろんなお店のテイクアウトを試してみたい。 

電話で注文するときに、你说中文吗?(中国語話せる?)と聞かれたけど、No。。と言いました。伝わってるのにNoかい、と自分で笑ったけど、喋れないんですーー 中国語も話せるとすごく便利なんだけどな。とりあえずめちゃ美味しかったのでまた来る!!やっぱり発酵させた調味料は最強だ。




ガラス水筒をやっとみつけた!! 広口(洗いやすい)、ガラス(飲み物のにおいが移らない)、背が低い(レンジに入る)、の三拍子揃ったものがなかなかなく…アマゾンにすらなかった!! 大事でしょう?この3条件! と思うけれど、こちらに売っているのはデカイ、飲み口が小さい、プラスチック製が主流。どうやって洗うのかほんと聞いてみたい、でも中はブラシで洗ってないっていう答えが返ってくるとぞくっとするので自粛。

そもそも、こちらの人が水筒に入れるのは常温の水だけなのでそんなににおい気にならないしレンジに入れる必要もないのだろう。異文化。私はレンジに入れてお湯にしてティーバッグを入れたいのです! そして冬は温かい飲み物が飲みたいのです!! 何でもそうだけれど、私がほしいなあと思うもののスペックはきっちり決まっていて、そのものズバリなものがなかなか見つからない。そのたびに、なんで?この機能とこの外観だったら便利じゃん!なんでこの組み合わせがないのだろう、と思う。これって一般的にそうなのか。そうだとしたらメーカーは消費者の意向を把握してほしいなー










解析中。待ち時間の30分でかけた! 手書き日記はいいなあ。

それにしてもスクロールしすぎて右手中指が痛い…… IT系の人どうしてるのだろう。座り続け、スクロールし続け、モニター注視しつづけはほんとにつらいだろうなあ。やっぱり、適度にパソコン作業以外の業務が入る仕事がいいのかしら。。

かれんさんのトレーニングウエア試作品はセーラームーンにしか見えなかったので却下。。。 王族はそもそも汗かくような運動しないか…

Bushido のお酒


The eight virtures of Bushido: 
1. Rightousness
2. Courage
3. Benevolence
4. Respect
5. Integrity
6. Honor
7. Loyalty
8. Self-control

Bushido is the ancient Japanese warrior's code of moral values, loyalty, and honor until death. Usually unttered and unwritten, the code allows the violent existance of Samurai to be tempered by wisdom and serenity.

Tasting notes: Tart raspberry, Asian pear, watermelong rind with a hint of white flowers and a spicy finish. 🍉🍐🍇


Lansing River Trail & Crego Park

Great day for biking! Snow has completely melted on the trail, and it looks like late April. 

The water and the sky have the same color. Gorgeous.

Transparent fresh water

Shining surface

The feel good moment. Goodbye, winter... for now.

Trip to Minnesota!

Had a short trip to Minnesota to attend a conference. Glad it was not cancelled, but I was told to work from home upon return. It was in the midst of the conference that it was decided that my university will start delivering classes online immediately and cancelling large events. 95 people registered for the conference, and about 80 showed up. The majority of us got to travel just before travel suspention took effect. Indeed, business related domestic and international travels have been suspended, and study abroad programs were cancelled for this summer semester, unfortunately. The opportunity loss and the damage to the economy, especially travel industry is tremendous. I wonder how airlines act to recover the largest loss in their history.

Nevertheless... It was my first time to go to Minnesota! The downtown area looked nice on the map, but I didn't go this time because the conference was in a different city. 

7 am flight. It was short, probably 1 hour and a quarter. The plane was about 70% full. Very pleasant one with gentle touchdown. The seat next to me was empty!

Crowne plaza Plymouth. There was a coutecy van and takes you around for a short distance trip from and to the hotel. I wish I knew that!

Went on a pulse milling company tour. Pulses are dry legumes such as peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas, excluding soy, peanut, and other non-food plants.

Red lentil flour makes a bright pink fluor!!

Yellow peas



I was invited for a dinner with a few employees of the company we visited earlier in the day. The lake was near Cargil founder family's house, and it was a rich neighbourhood. The steakhouse we went to was fancy and high-class place where they serve amazing wine and food. I had grilled sea bass on pesto rice. It was a place that you feel too fancy to take a photo of food. The sea bass and wine were absolutely terrific!   

Road near the hotel. There are over 10,000 lakes in Minnesota. I saw many small ponds and large lakes. Being near a body of water feels great. But it was cold outside!!  

Nightview of downtown Minneapolis from the plane. I'll come again when it's warmer and when I have a lot more free time! 



Lunch buffet is the best because I can try all different types of curry.

India Palace, Plymouth, MN.