

・晴初霜旦 せいしょそうたん。晴れた寒い朝。空が晴れて霜が降りた朝、の意。
・履霜之戒 りそうのいましめ。霜を踏んだら、やがて厚い氷が張ることを考えなければならない。つまり、前もって災いに備えなければならない。むむむ、深い…!

Met one of my labmates who live in the same apartment complex! It was very nice to meet her in person for the first time in a while.  It's a good feeling to meet someone in person, not through a screen. It was inspiring as she is working hard writing her doctoral proposal and reading papers.

Though the spring semester ended, we are continuing to have lab meetings to just know how others are doing and what they are working on. It's a really good opportunity to reunite as a group and keep things on track, I think.  As the field season approaches, people are preparing seeds at their garage! Creativity plays a big role in this unprecedented circumstances. I am impressed by their determination not to miss the season and to get things planted in the field no matter what.  Usually one person presents at each meeting, but all of us are presenting our progress in 5 minutes.  As always, we can't finish discussing in 5 minutes, so some of us didn't get to present; but it's ok - we have next week, and the next. It's nice to have a deadline to present something each week - that way, I plan data analysis so that I will get some results in a week.  It's a good old way to get a big job done: to divide it into smaller, doable tasks.  

Frost is forecasted to hit here again! Not good for Michigan cherries at all... Frost after flowering is detrimental to fruit set. Oh no...  It was breezy and super cold with 40F during the day today. Forgot to bring gloves and biked, and my hands almost fell off.  Anyways my essential work permission expired today, so no more lab work is allowed. So glad that I finished cooking. Freeze drying is almost done as well.

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