
Watching outdoor commencement ceremony spring 2021 & cap and gown photo session

Watching commencement ceremonies from my window taking place in Breslin Center parking lot.  It's a small, 50-person outdoor event, prone to increment weather, but it is inspiring to watch the university's best effort to recognize graduates in person while taking safety measures.  It is also inspiring and encouraging to listen to speaches by students with outstanding academic record.

 Being close to the finish line of my own degree too, it's very intersting, the whole expreience, to watch graduates going into their new chapter of life - lifelong learning and serving others continue.  I do not remember much what my undergraduate graduation ceremony was like, but I remember the moment to think 'It will be probably the last day to see all of my classmates at once.  I will miss them.'

Indeed, people come and go in your life, and the person you have been seeing every day might not be there after a year.  It's a miracle to meet with those who you have met because there are billions of people in the world and you only get to know very few of them.

I am so fortunate to have good friends, good colleagues, and supportive family.  They are an asset that not everyone has.  Taking pictures in cap and gown today on a sunny, peaceful day on campus with a close friend, it made me feel that materialistic or monetary success is nothing compared to good inter-human relationships because you can't buy people's heart or time.  Be a good person, be humble, be helpful, be kind, they resonate in my heart louder than ever, and it drives me to play my part to help people. 

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