
Decision made!!

OK, I've made my mind, and I'm going to stick with it.  I'm going back to Japan in August, work with researchers in the US or in other countries. I've made some connections.  I will be able to live in one place for a longer period of time, have a pet (cat, rabbit or hamster 😁), build long term friendships and relationships with people, and be closer to my family.  I think it's what my heart is telling me to do, although my calculating self influenced by other people's opinions say "why don't you stay because you can, and it's a privilege, not everyone can do it".  It's really hard to shut out outside noise and listen carefully to my own thoughts in this era of information overload and so many choices, fortunately, and unfortunately.

The biggest determining factor was that I have some connections and working from Japan would not at all impossible.  Moving within the US would be a hassle for me without a car.  If I start a job in the US now, it would mean I would forever be in the US, and probably that's not what I want.  And also I'm ready to settle down after moving every 5 years both domestically and internationally for so long, which results in making new friends but also in becoming less connected with old friends every time.

To decide is to throw out other options and not look back, as they say.  Look at positive sights, be happy, and enjoy the moment wherever you are and whatever you are doing!

It was interesting that I was able to make a decision on 7/1 after spending whole June thinking, wondering, and never being able to decide.  But I set my deadline to decide on 7/1, and my mind became clear thorough lots of conversations and meetings with people, lots of reading, researching, exploring, watching videos.  I want to be more decisive!  But at the same time, I need to give myself sufficient time to weigh options so that I won't regret later.  


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