

Kujo in the snow. 「京都が本気だした雪景色」とTwitterで言われていた。ミシガンを思い出す。sludgy だし、気温的には全然暖かい方なので、やっぱりちょっと違うけど。ミシガンなつかしいなー


雪が!! JR京都線やばい。

一晩で吹雪いた。すごかった。JR京都線は運転遅れとかキャンセルとか、車内に10時間閉じ込められてたとか…半端ないーーー やばすぎる。栄養研に通うとなるとそれがネックだな〜と思った…。


The field you like&what you don't mind doing 8 hrs/day

Note to self, "ikigai" and something similar...

Regarding "the stuff that I thought/convinced myself I'm interested in ended up being things I'm tired of", one thing I would like to share from a career consulting book is that you want to separate "what you are passionate about" and "what you are good at (or at least don't mind doing 40 hrs/week)" and find an overlap between them.

I love the field of nutrition, but I wouldn't enjoy working as a community nutritionist interacting with strangers everyday. Rather, I'd enjoy analyzing nutritional data and writing reports.  The field I like and the tasks I like (or at least I don't mind doing  every day) - this combination will be a better fit for me.  A person who likes baseball doesn't have to be a baseball player. S/he can be a sports journalist, training coach, stadium vendor, or uniform manufacturer.  There are many ways to be involved in the field you like.

So it seems to me that you like the field of biotechnology and plant research, but you did not like doing wet lab experiments yourself.  This is my observation, so correct me if I'm wrong, but I hope these examples make sense to you?  Maybe you can think about What aspects of agricultural extension do you like? What activity in ag extension do you think you wouldn't mind doing 8 hours per day?








公共性の危機 シンポジウム

I got to work while listening to a symposium about "implications of lost public-ness/commonness in modern societies". It was super interesting..

 They discussed that the concept of public good or community is becoming weaker due to individualism, capitalism, and market mechanism applied to every aspect of today's society. So the strong will become even stronger, and activities like non-profit organizations at difficult positions because they do not make profit, even though they are playing a vital role in improving our world.

Six presenters had a discussion too, and that was interesting. Not only because of their views but so how they interact with each other.. some humility, euphemism, respect to seniors but also aggressive or sarcastic remarks, it's kinda Japanese. But also it seemed different from the nutrition conference that I went to last year. The general atmosphere of a conference or symposium varies widely in each area of study, maybe.





いろいろ面倒だな… まあフリーランス一年目なので、体当たりで勉強ということで!


Saiyuki 25th Exhibition!

he exhibition was amazing and impressive😍🤩 There were countless illustrations and manga manuscripts shown! They're all intricately hand-drawn, even buildings and plants and water splashes. Just impressive and so inspiring.. at the same time, it feels like I'll never reach this level 😂  

I also wonder how long it took for her to draw each of the pages.. it's truly an artwork. 

Photos were allowed so I took a lot of them, but viewing them in person is the best.  It brings me back my JHS days.  It was one of the hardest time that I spent my childhood, but at least reading sayuki was one of the good moments shared with like-minded friends. 

Saiyuki has been going for 25 years, and the exhibition showed the manuscripts and drafts that she drew over the years. But there were some drawings specifically for this event! 

Now her work is even more powerful by using Photoshop to add background and effects. But I personally prefer all manual works.. it's just super amazing with air brushes and white inks to finish. 

So inspiring! I'm glad I went on a Wednesday to avoid crowds.  At first around 5 pm there was almost no one. Then as time progressed, more people came, but still it was far from crowded. A weekday off is the best fr this kind of events!!