
公共性の危機 シンポジウム

I got to work while listening to a symposium about "implications of lost public-ness/commonness in modern societies". It was super interesting..

 They discussed that the concept of public good or community is becoming weaker due to individualism, capitalism, and market mechanism applied to every aspect of today's society. So the strong will become even stronger, and activities like non-profit organizations at difficult positions because they do not make profit, even though they are playing a vital role in improving our world.

Six presenters had a discussion too, and that was interesting. Not only because of their views but so how they interact with each other.. some humility, euphemism, respect to seniors but also aggressive or sarcastic remarks, it's kinda Japanese. But also it seemed different from the nutrition conference that I went to last year. The general atmosphere of a conference or symposium varies widely in each area of study, maybe.

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