

フランス人の方がおすすめしてくれたので美味しいに違いない!と思っていったら本当においしかった…! いろんな種類の餃子に、麺とか中華おかずとかもある。他にも色々食べてみたい。

青菜餃子! 中も、肉の代わりに青菜。


資本主義社会と、労働者である「我々」 "We" in the capitalism world




労働者は、もっと消費しろ! もっと働け! もっと競え! 甘えるな!(公的援助はなくて当然!) という4つの価値観を幼い頃から叩き込まれ、資本主義社会において心身ともに労働者となる準備をさせられる。資本主義社会では、資本家が労働者を使い、より豊かになる。そして、労働者に労働を余儀なくさせるために、ローン漬けにする。大企業はもちろん、政府までもが一見善良者のような顔で労働者階級に喧伝してくるそれは、資本家を、資本主義社会を肯定する。労働者はそれを信じさせられ、疑うことなく労働と借金と消費に満ちた一生を送り、資本家を、権力者を、もっと豊かにする。 つまり、「弱者が弱肉強食を肯定する社会」というトンデモナイ世界に我々は生きているのだ。


I should remember Mr. Hiro Ohta's statement, "This world is a society where the rich have a control on everything" more frequently....

The rich do not have to work 8 hours a day, every day, because they can live on the interest that their vast wealth generates.

The low-income class is made to work in order to survive. Moreover, they are made to consume more, and they are made to go into debt. So what binds the modern slave is not shackles, but debt.

Workers, consume more! Work more! Compete more! Self help! (No public assistance, of course!)  These four values are drilled into them from an early age, preparing them to become workers, both physically and mentally, in a capitalist society. In a capitalist society, capitalists use workers to get richer. Then, to force the workers to work, they take them on loans. The propaganda that big business and even the government try to impose to the working class with seemingly benevolent faces, it affirms capitalists and the capitalist society. The workers are made to believe it, and they unquestioningly live a life filled with work, debt, and consumption, making the capitalists and those in power richer. In other words, we live in a ridiculous world of "a society that the weak affirms the power of the strong".

As a low-income class, "we" can only despair when confronted with such a reality. Therefore, we look away.  "There must be something to be gained from labor." "There are some things that rich people can't have."  That may be true.  However, we must not forget the reality that the structure of our society, to begin with, is overwhelmingly unfavorable to the weak. We must not forget it because society continuously and loudly commands us to forget it.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) with major edits by author. 


Kinosaki 城崎温泉

 Kinosaki is famous for a novel written by Naoya Shiga about 100 years ago, set in this town where the main character had a few month-stay after hit by a train and critically injured but survived. Giving an objective eye to his luck and other living creatures' life and death he witnessed in this town, he contemplates what it means to be alive and to not. This is based on the author's own experience, so it is interesting to imagine he was actually here, rambling through this old street that probably looked just like this a century ago.  I read this story in high school, but the storyline still has had a place in the back of my mind.  It makes you realize it's a miracle that you're here today but without obtrusively telling you to be thankful for it.. 

Anyway, there's a literature museum in this town showcasing the novel and others written around the same time, as well as some articles related to this town like hot spring tickets and tourist guides issued in that era!  I'm surprised they used typewriters already during that time, considering that thousands of typefaces for all Chinese characters were required. 

言わずと知れた、「城崎にて」の舞台となった城崎温泉。実際に志賀直哉氏が歩いたんだろうなぁ…と思いながら彼の足跡を辿るのもオツでした。柳や桜の時期はもっと綺麗なのでしょう! それに関連した城崎文芸館というものがありました。大正時代の雑誌や日記、当時の入浴券や観光案内(もちろん写真などなく、墨で書かれた豆本)なども展示してあって面白かった。当時からタイプライターが使われていたことに驚き。

志賀直哉 父親との不和があり、それを題材にした小説が暗夜行路。読んでみたい。その時の心情が感じ取れるのだそうだ。しかし…、それは感じ取ってほしいと思って書いたのか?それとも自分の私生活と自分の発表する小説は完全に別物であることを望んだのか? そういう詮索をするのは、心の中を覗き見しているような気もする。 著名人の手紙などが後に博物館などで公開されたりするが、そういったものを見ている気分だ。まさか後世の万人に読まれるとは思って書いてはいなかっただろうから。なんて思う。


Kannabe ski resort 神鍋スキー場

A weekend trip to Kannabe ski resort and Kinosaki hot spring town. It was a lot of fun with a big group of people, despite being it so cold and rainy.  And I completed my mission to make a snowman with a real carrot🥕  Snowy roads reminded me of Michigan, but they seem to top off some snow with snow making machines. Interesting to see snow made of ice crystals (if it makes sense)❄️

神鍋高原スキー場と城崎温泉に行ってきました〜 大人数で楽しかった。本物の人参で雪だるまを作るミッションを達成しました〜⛄ 雪深いミシガンを思い出しました。スキー場の表面の雪はたぶん人工降雪機で作ったものだったので、本物の雪とはちょっと違った、かな…?


電子書籍サービス!!! E-book service by the city library!

京都市立図書館の電子書籍サービス、超いい!!!! わざわざ図書館行かなくていいし、二週間たったら勝手に返却されるし(期日より早く返却も可)! まだ冊数は少ないけど、今後増えていってほしい。そして予約人数がすごい。みんな借りたいんだなーーこれを機に読書人口が増えてほしい。予約人数が多い本のタイトルをずらっと見てみるのも面白い…。これがトレンドかあ的な。


Kyoto City Library's e-book service is excellent!! I don't have to go all the way to the library, and the e-books are returned after two weeks automatically (or earlier if I choose)!  The number of books is still small, but I hope it will increase in the future.  And the number of reservations that have already made is impressive.  I hope this will be a good opportunity to increase the number of people who read books.  It's interesting to look at the titles of the books with the most reservations.... I get to see what is the trend now.

I wish this kind of service were available to expats living in Kyoto.  I wonder if there is anything I can do to help.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) with some edits by author.


Skills I learned in 2022


- Write a function.

- Do loop


- Look for tutorials and adopt the code as necessary for my purposes

- Ordination with phylogenetic info

Other software

- Illustrator, SVG


- PIC report 

- Bean flour review paper

- Poster for ASN


- Volunteer manuscript editor of ASN opinion article.

雪景色の清水寺 Kiyomizu temple in the snow

本当に美しかった。こんなところで感動で涙が出そうになるとは思わなかった…! 自然ってすごいな。そして、長年自然の猛威と上手く付き合って歴史的建造物を保存してきた人たちには感謝感謝です。こういう景色に出会ったときの、心ふるえる、ざざずぁ〜〜っていう感覚。しばらく圧倒された。この景色よ永遠なれと思うけど、きっと一年に一度くらいしかみれないからいいんだろう。 Kiyomizu temple in the snow... It was stunning!  The contrast of white snow, red shrine buildings, and blue skies.  Never have I seen something so beautiful before that I was about to shed tears feeling my heart tremble in awe.  It's a cliché, but Kyoto never ceases to amaze me.  I'm thankful to those peopel who have worked tirelessly to maintain those old buildings, which survived through many natural disasters.  

untouched, solemn tranquility.





栄養研は事務仕事が多いというのと、月給が低い(交通費も出ない…)、次につながるか不明、そして極めつけは往復2時間の通勤、しかもJR京都線しょっちゅう遅れる、ということでやっぱりやめることにした。申し訳ない!! やっぱり京都に根を下ろしたい。大学で何かないかな。これだけ大学がたくさんある市なのだから。




How I learned to deal with uncertainty and became a freelance data analyst

また、グローバルな環境で働いている友人たちからも、「僕が英語と日本語が両方話せたら、多国籍企業にリモートで勤めて、USDで給料をもらうね。」とか、「米国のPhD があるんだもん、何とでもなるよ!」とか、「まだ週の半分は仕事があるんだから、1-2か月くらい、残りの半分の時間を使って、何をしたいかゆっくり考えてみたら?」とか、とてもいいアドバイスをもらった。起業したいってわけではないんだけど、自由はやっぱりほんとに代えがたい、という価値観を自覚した、のを思い出した。

そして、PhD が運転免許証なんだということも。



How can I be of service to the world, to the society? を問いなさいと、オプラさんは言う。

"Your number one job, your number one job is to FILL YOUR CUP.  Because you cannot give what you don't have.  You must have your cup full first so the water runnth over, and then you can give to other people."

Act of giving.  It's a topic that has been in my mind for some time.



Yasaka area in the snow was tranquil and beautiful. The stone pavements and old houses were all covered with snow and ice. It was a chilly yet sunny morning after a snowfall overnight. It was a competition between local store/cafe owners trying to remove snow from storefront and avid  photographers who want to take pictures of the streets with snow before it's shoveled away 😅
雪のあとの八坂、祇園は格別でした! シーサーが寒さで震えてた(と思う)。お店の人がせっせと雪掻きしている中、その前に写真を撮りたい!という愛好家たちの無言のせめぎあいがあった気がします。しかし美しかった…。こんな景色に出会えて幸せ。