
Nodame Cantabile in English!

It's been quite interesting to read manga in English essentially for the first time.  It's easy to read because the text is written in normal style with lower case letters.  It helps a ton!

Though some of the original nuances are lost in translation, it's still enjoyable. And for this Nodame series, the translation is good because it keeps honorifics like "-san", "-senpai", "-sama" etc.. which convey a lot of meanings by themselves.  I explained the meanings of those honorifics and addressing someone without an honorific. It plays such an important part in understanding the relative social positions of the characters in manga, and of course, in daily lives. 

Also, when a Japanese story is translated into English, the nuances of different words for "I" and "You" are lost.  And the way those words are organized or omitted, could have a huge influence to the meaning of a sentence even though possible varieties can all carry the same core meaning. 

Plus, there are a ton of particles that can five different impressions, too.  There are some in English too, like "... isn't it.", "... , though."

”そう言う。”  We say so. 
”そう言うよ。”  We say so. (with more confidence, and could be emphasizing, or opposing someone who says otherwise)
"そう言うよね。"  We say so, don't we?
”そう言うんだ。”  We say so.
”そう言うんだよ。”  We say so. (kind of like teaching someone.)
”そう言うんだけど。”  We say so.  (Potentially annoyed, or providing that as new information that contradicts what was just said) 
”そう言うぜ。”  We say so.  (masculine speech, very casual)
”そう言うだろ。”  We say so, right? 
”そう言うってば。”  I'm saying, we say so. 

etc. etc....  OMG this is a lot!! There may be something like this in English and that I just don't know them, but the variety is pretty hard to translate with accuracy. 

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