
Nutrition project finished, half-time break, and AI...

"Done is better than perfect" is the "mot juste"... 

The goal is to get your project done, not to work on it for a certain number of hours just for the sake of it.  I need to remind that to myself once in a while..

It seems like I'm going to SC in autumn for a conference!  Another trip to the US.  But this one is OK, it takes every other year, so I should take this opportunity to present my work, get feedback, and discuss with people what I can do/help next.

The other project, the nutrition one, has finished.... I supposedly have half time off this month!  There are some things I still need to work on, editing my tutorial/script/website, poster, and preprint/publication, but that is something that's extra I can do in my free time.  During my half-time break, I think I will:

  1. Take epidemiology course, then
  2. Write a proposal to do an NHANES analysis with better methods next time
  3. Apply for Food and Health Scholarship to take that course for free...
  4. Start a blog about mental well-being...?  But I feel like I already have too many blogs, lol.

The discussion of AI potentially taking our jobs away is widespread now.  Well, taking our jobs is okay if it frees up more of our time, but AI dominating the world's systems, like finance, trade, logistics, communication.. that's kind of a scary part.  Will AI have their own desire to concur the world and enslave humans...? That's the most important question I want to know..  

How did people in the past do when their jobs got obsolete, like typists or telephone operators?  They went for different jobs, that's the only thing they could have done.  Survival of the fittest.  There should be some new jobs because of technological advancement and stuff.. so, it is just that people (labor) are re-alocated to where labor is needed, I guess. 

AI can be of great use if we use it wisely.  It's so fast in generating text and summarizing volumn of information.  I don't know what I'm thinking here, but it's nice that at least I don't have to translate languages from scratch.  Just throw it to DeepL or some sort, and just edit here and there. If productivity increases like that, it must be a good thing...?


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