
The key to be friendly

The lab members had sports festival and a party today. They said that there was a alcohol-free time from 5 to 7 pm so that Muslim students can also join and enjoy. I found it a innovative and generous idea. Muslim people used to go straight home before the party begins because they do not attend parties or any gatherings if alcohol is served there. So non-Muslim students had little time to mingle with them in previous parties.

But this time, they served halal food (permissible food in Islamic law) during the alcohol-free time so that Muslim students can also eat and have fun talking with others at least from 5 to 7 pm. They seemed to have a good time. It was really touching. Finally all the lab members were able to sit at one table.

When I was in the lab, I kind of took it for granted that Muslim people cannot join parties because they do not drink and I did not try to think any ways to deal with that problem. I wonder why I didn't come up with the idea so that everybody will have a chance to participate even though I knew that they do not drink.

Fluency in English is important, but just to be kind so that everyone can be at the party is also very important. It's essential to consider other people's feelings, especially when they have different cultural backgrounds. Difference can be minimized and sometimes overcome with a small consideration and it makes a very big difference.

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