
Galette cafe on a rainy day

I went to a French galette restaurant/cafe run by a French owner in Oita the other day.
I made some new friends there, and talked about many things about life.
One of the customers there was an American, who has taught English for a year in Oita. Since he has never been home since he came, he now misses home, hanging out with friends, driving and food in the states.  Some people can do without going back, but most cannot, naturally. He was a very friendly, talkative and surprisingly young-looking guy. He was older than me but said he still doesn't know what he wants to do and what he will do next. It was relieving for me. He has a lot of experience in different places and on different jobs. His life (and mine too) may not be a straight and paved road, but he sure has lead a wonderful, and fruitful life. Someone said that life is an adventure. It truly is.

The galette was great.. I'm lucky to have authentic French cuisine in my hometown. It made me want to go to France more! Travelling and seeing and experiencing different things and thoughts and culture.. that's something that you can do only when you are young. In the past, there was only one way for one's life: go to school, start working, get married, have kids, stay in the same company throughout your life... but things can be different now. There are more choices. I do admire those who came alone and got settled by themselves and leading a busy, fulfilling life on their own. You need to adjust yourself to so many things in so many occasions. It sure enhances your flexibility. I'm looking forward to seeing them again at the small cafe, and chatting over a galatte together.

I'm quite excited about what will happen to my future from now. I think I will have a chance to explore a lot of new things. It will be a great memory and great experience. It's not something that everyone can do, and I got the chance to do it. It'll be like a whole new world and I'll probably find new self as well.

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