
Happy Halloween!

Not really doing anything to celebrate it, but just find this sheep so cute:-)


Cosmos festival

It was such a beautiful day! Pink, pale-pink and white flowers and blue sky made a perfect contrast!


大分空港の荷物コンベアには、回転すしが流れている! 水産物が有名なので。粋なお迎えですね。


渋谷ヒカリエで夕ご飯☆ オシャレ☆★☆


National pride and some thoughts about it

There's nothing wrong with being proud of where you grew up,


でも、なぜ、そこまで祖国が好きといえるのか? what makes them so proud? アメリカやカナダは、移民の国で、本人達あるいはその祖先が、望んで引っ越してきた人たち。だから、自分が国の成り立ちに関わったという自覚があるし、この国の一員である、私達が主役である、という意識は強いと思う。若い国だし。それと相互に関連するが、自分の言いたいことを外に出して言わなければならない文化。多様性のあふれるなかで、自分がうもれてしまわないように、出身地のつながりや特徴を大事に表現する傾向が強いのかもしれない。


祝日に国旗を飾ることはあるが、単なる慣習ではないか。日本を誇りに思っているからそうする人は少ないと思う。仏教徒でもないのに葬式を寺で行い、お経を読んでもらうようなもの?とか、12月にクリスマスのデコレーションをするようなもの? 特に、日の丸・君が代については議論になっている。先の戦争を起こした時と同じ国家・国旗がまだ使用されている。もしかしたら、それが日本人が日本についてそこまでproudではない理由の一つかもしれない。


Turkish restaurant

One of the meals we had in a Turkish restaurant in Yoshitomi, Fukuoka. It was a girls-only gathering, where we talked a lot and ate a lot. It's fun to make new friends and share our views on many things in life.



A two-day trip to Aso and Takachiho! Mountain view and gorge were awesome. It's worth three-hour drive.

Salsa and pizza

Thursday night supper at 9.. Cheese pizza is delicious! Too much carbohydrate but it's alright if it's not every day :P


Almost weekend!
It's been such a busy week with lots of projects going on simultaneously. They are progressing, thankfully. One more work to do until relax and refresh!


Someone who usually wears thick makeup looked very pretty today without makeup on.
I almost told her that she looks more beautiful.
Natural self is the best.

Documentary: obesity and poverty

To redress the income gap between the rich and the poor is as important as making healthy food affordable in one of the lowest income county.
It's not easy to rectify the economic disparities among kids and their parents.

Some studies have shown that there's a correlation between poverty and overweight/obesity. Among the top 10 obese cities, 9 are the included in the lowest income areas.
