
I hope those accidents are very rare!

炊飯器がふきこぼれた!! 5.5合炊きなのに、3合炊いただけで吹きこぼれ、新聞紙を急いで敷いたおかげで液状の糊が床にこぼれるという惨事は免れたけど。
メーカーに問い合わせると、生産終了品で、消耗品部品も残っていないとのこと。つまり、新しいのを買えってこと? 確かに8年前に買ったけど…たった8年? もうちょっと持つものかと思っていた。いつ生産終了したのか知らないけど、もうちょっと長く使えるようにさせてくれないかな。2合炊いてみて、吹きこぼれるようだったら考えよう…。

カーテン生地のサンプルをお願いしたら、郵便事故?で紛失し、結局どこに行ったのか分からなくなってしまった。旧居の鍵をまた借りてそのドアポストまで見に行ったのに。。ウェブ上の追跡記録では、投函済みとなっていたのに。不思議だ。隣の建物の同じ号室に入ったのかとか、誰かが間違って取ったのかとか、いろいろ考えたけど分からず。業者さんも、担当者はちゃんと投函したから「投函済み」となっているわけでして…としか言えない。でもないものはないんですけど。幸い、生地サンプルはもう一度送ってもらえて、今度は無事に届いたけど。これが、購入したものとかだったらちょっと嫌だなあ。何のための追跡なのか?? まあ、人よりよく郵便とか宅配を利用するにも関わらずこれが初めての紛失と言うのはラッキーで、日本の優れた配送システムの低い低い間違い率に当たってしまっただけなのかもしれないけど。


So my rice cooker overflew with just 3 cups of rice! Something may be wrong as its capacity is 5.5 cups. The viscous liquid (gelatinised starch) would have made my wooden floor messy if I had not spread some newspaper near the cooker on time. Phew. I thought of replacing some consumables of the machine, such as rubber sealing, but the manufacturer said they stopped producing the model and they do not have any parts left in stock. That means I need to buy a new one? My current one is eight years old.. Just 8 years old. Shouldn't a rice cooker last a bit longer? It was surprising that a rice cooker of made in Japan brand will be dumped in less than a decade. I'm not willing to get another one, so will try 2 cups first.

Another surprise was that free samples of curtain cloth got missing and was never found. The delivery company insisted that they have posted it into my mailbox. The tracing record said it was delivered even though I couldn't find it anywhere. What on earth is the tracing system for?? I also checked my old apartment, in vain. It was fortunate that the shop kindly sent the samples again, and I received it this time. What if it was something I purchased?  Maybe I am one of the very few that had my mail missing because Japan's mailing system and its trace-ability are well known for its quality and low accident rate. I hope it won't happen again...

That explains why I haven't got curtains for my bedroom yet. Oh it's been a month now! I should make a nice bedroom soon and make my living room more spacious with a relaxing chair~ I suddenly feel like buying a sofa... hmm.        

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