


指揮者の先生も椰子の実と、セビリアの理髪師をソロで歌いました。実はこのかた、わが合唱団の指揮者でもあるのですが先生の歌を客席で聴くのは初めてで感動しました。圧巻です。友達も喜んでましたー その内1人は合唱経験者なので話が弾む。入りたいとまで言っていましたよ。合唱団も国際的になって良いかも!


汚くなければ洗わないよねえーそうだよねえーー いやあしばらく笑いが止まりませんでした。このエピソードで1週間くらい思い出し笑いできそうだわ...

Went to a concert of a local choir with friends (1 Japanese and 2 British). It's got powerful voice with relatively a small number of singers.

The funniest moment of the month probably... happened when I asked my Japanese friend how he liked it. He said "It is very good. It feels like your heart is cleansed." then another said (who understands Japanese well), "Is your heart that dirty?" I burst into laughing and couldn't stop it for a while.

When you see or hear something sophisticated or beautiful, you would say a phrase that literally means "My heart is cleansed (or purified)" in Japanese. But now I understand that you only cleanse something when it's dirty!! That was hilarious.

The conductor also sang two songs. He is a professional baritone singer and conducts our choir, too. It was my first time to hear his performance sitting in the audience. It was superb!

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