



で、スケジュールに余裕をもたせるのは必須。毎度のことながら急ぎごとが割り込んでくるため、ギリの予定でやってるとパニックになる(今回のように…)! 課題がそんなに難しいものではなかったので良かった。しかもクラスメイトが一緒にやってくれたから二人で問題解決できた。が、もし一人で難問に向かっていたら…締め切り前にTAに聞かないといけなかったら…危うい綱渡りでした、今回は。

もう5月なの?? ゴールデンウィーク??

ライティングの授業最終日は白あんラスクをクラスメイトと先生に食べてもらいました! お昼時な時間帯だけあってパクパク食べてもらえた。砂糖は通常の白あんの1/4におさえたけどそれでも甘いねって。アメリカのお菓子はたぶんこの白あん以上に砂糖入ってるけど、バターやクリームの油分でマスクされてるだけ…きっと…




How to renew SAS license - note to self.

Save the license file you got from the tech store in document. 

Search SAS in Windows search on the left bottom of the screen, and find "Utility" folder.
Start Renew SAS Software in that utility folder. It asks you to locate the new license file you just saved. So just enter it. 

Then start SAS normally. The expiration warning message should have disappeared.

Super easy once you know what to do! 




実験と授業でてんてこ舞いな毎日。今年が最後であってほしいなあー 授業の最後の課題がえらく時間のかかることが判明。コンピュータにヘビーな計算をさせるものなので所要時間が見積もれない。。

合唱クラスで練習していたElijah、八割方歌えるけどコンサートに出れるかは微妙になってきた。。指揮者の細かい指導をこなせない〜 他の参加者もけっこう指導されたことを忘れていて、「一発勝負だよ!二回目でできるんだから一回目でもできるはず!」と指揮の先生はちょっと焦っている様子。やはりコンサートが近づくとそれなりの形に仕上げないといけないプレッシャーが。「あなた方に嫌な思いをさせたいんじゃない。ただ、皆さんに自分の責任を果たしてほしいだけです。」と仰っていた。趣味の範囲なのでどこまで要求するかは難しいところ…。ただ、幾人かの態度の悪い人も気になる。他の人に聞こえるような大きな欠伸をしたり、片足をもう片方の膝の上においていたり(それ歌う姿勢じゃないよね…)。去年はそんなことなかったのになぜだろう?



Pulled pork


まず醤油、酢、ジュース、スパイス類、レモン汁、固形スープの素などなど、味の出そうなものを鍋に放り込み煮込みスープを作る。今回は料理酒、パイナップルのみじん切りも入れてみた。そこに豚肉ブロックを浸かるように入れ、4-5時間煮る。クロックポット(自動調理器)などあれば楽ですが…。で、煮えたら柔らかくなるので細かく裂く(pulled 、引っ張られた、はここから来ている模様)。で、360F = 182C くらいのオーブンで、汁気がなくなるまで焼く。1時間半くらい。

スープの旨味と豚肉のだしが凝縮されて、美味しい〜〜 時間はかかるけど、肉を切ったりしないでいいのが楽。ご飯にも合う。冷凍しておけば保存食で、いつでもタンパク質を摂れる。2 kg ブロックが7ドルくらいで売られているので、大量に作って大量に保存しておける…なるほどー!これは良いレシピを知りました。昔では考えられないスケールで料理をするようになってきたなぁ…笑



ホテルの二階から。なぜかメキシコ旗の隣でアメリカ合衆国旗がはためく。紫色の花はジャカランダ! オーストラリアでよく見かける木なので、懐かしかった。ツアーガイドさんに聞いた話では、あるメキシコの政治家が、日本の桜を見て感激し、メキシコにも小さく美しい花がたくさん咲く木を植えたいと思ったそう、でも、桜はメキシコの気候には合わないので、ジャカランダが選ばれたのだとか。











アガベ。巨大! シロップが出る。







Day trip to the Teotihuacan pyramids.

Visited a historical site with pyramids. Theotihutacan civilization flourished some 1000s years ago. The site consisted of the Pyramid of the Moon and that of the Sun. The straight corridor leads straight to the Moon, while the Sun is on the right side. There used to be a temple on each pyramid, where rituals were taken place. Although the Sun is bigger than the Moon, archeologists speculate that the Moon was more important than the Sun because of its position at the end of the corridor facing north, the most sacred direction at the time.
Visitors can climb a third of the Moon, and to the top to the Sun. The Moon had steeper stairs. The view from both was very good. I was able to see the buildings in the surrounding towns, trees, and dryland areas. It somewhat resembled to the dessert in Australia, but I certainly saw a hint of Middle American atmosphere there.

The good thing about this tour was that the tour guides explained the history and traditional customs that their ancestors had. They said that they wanted the tourists to learn something about their culture, rather than just climb on top of the pyramid and take pictures. I admire and support that attitude towards tourism.

They brought us to the site where you can see three things; ruins of civilization that existed before Spanish conquest, and churches that they built using the material of the temples that the civilization had, and finally modern buildings. Spanish conquerors showed their power by constructing churches, the symbol of their culture, using the material of the building that they had just destroyed. It happened in 1500s, where Europeans dominated the world, exploring frontiers looking for means to make their countries even richer. What happened after that was total control of the indigenous people by the Spanish, the language, culture, and religion was taught at the first time in both continents of Americas. So what I saw was the very first school that was built by Spanish 500 years ago. The whole concept of education and school was brought from them. Good or bad? I do not know what kind of subject was taught, I assume mainly Christianity, not math or science…       

They showed us the wild plants of agabe, a very useful cactus plant. It produces protein-rich, sweet liquid that tastes good. It also provides humans with paper, made of its thick, sturdy fibre and needle and thread again made of its fiber and sharp tip of the leaves. The sharp tip of the leaves can also be used as a utility knife. This beneficial plants grow very big, taller than humans. Once the center part of the plants is cut, the plant will produce the sweet liquid every day for a year, and then die. It was interesting to see a real agabe producing syrop.

We saw many wild cactus and aloe plants on the way, too. It is quite a different scenery I am used to. Very interesting. I had cactus salad for lunch on one day of the conference, but I did not know at that time it was cactus; I thought it was seaweed.
It was also nice to chat with the tour guides. The main guy called us “Amigos”, which was very friendly. We have experienced the typical Mexican (or Latin American) culture of positive, take-it-easy, laid-back people. One of the guide’s relatives lives in Nagasaki, which was surprising. It is a small world. I was happy to know that my name, when pronounced in Spanish, means “Smile”. They remembered my name because of that. Interacting with locals - the most interesting and fun part of a trip.

The other group travelled to one of the research institute’s headquarters, which must have also been nice. I was registered to attend that tour at first, but my advisor recommended to visit the pyramids. She said it’s more useful to be away from resaech for a while and see something new, something unique to that place you are visiting. It was a very refreshing experience indeed after sitting and listening to presentations all day long for 2.5 days. I am so happy that my advisor is lenient and kind.


Lucky leaves?
