
Bean snack tasting 豆のお菓子いろいろ

There was a casual, bean snack tasting the other day. There are many in the market - bean chips, crisps (thin crackers), roasted chickpeas, protein bars etc.. Peas and chickpeas are the two major ingredients for snacks. But what about beans? The biggest problem is that beans tend to split or break when cooked or roasted. Nevertheless, there were some fried bean snacks in East Asia too apparently.

ひよこ豆、えんどう豆からできているお菓子はけっこうある。インゲン豆は…まだまだ開発途中かなー。加熱したりローストしたりすると煮崩れて見た目が悪くなるのが最大の問題…解決策を見つけねば! 東南アジアには揚げたインゲン豆のお菓子があるらしい。ふむむ知らなかった。

A variety of snacks 

Usually, snacks have at least 6 g of fat in 28 g of serving. But this proudct only has 2.5 g! Crisps are a way to go to maximise the good feature of beans: very low in fat.  
普通のスナック菓子は28 g 中6 gが脂肪っていうことが多いのですが、このクラッカーみたいなやつは2.5 g  だった。インゲン豆の脂肪含量が低い(1%以下)ことを最大限生かすならこういう製品が良いと思うのだけど。

Red kidney beans are from Japan! They are used in salads and soups, not as snacks, but anyway they are very nice-looking, holding together well and retaining the bright color. Steamed chickpeas are also a great option for a healthy snack. However, some people did not like them because they tasted like undercooked. I did not think so, they were cooked just right. It's personal preferences, but generally in the US it seems overcooked things are preferred with pasta etc.
日本初レッドキドニーが! お菓子じゃないんですけどね… ゆでただけの豆はとてもヘルシーなおやつだと思う! 右はゆでたひよこ豆。私は美味しい!と思ったけど、「生煮えな感じ…」といまいちな反応な人も。その食感が良かったり悪かったりするわけですね。ここではパスタでもなんでも、煮過ぎていると思われるものが好まれる故か…。

Steamed beans are very healthy!

Deep fried bean snacks

They were a bit too greasy to me, but many people liked them. I guess this is the way to compete with potato chips? ポテトチップスに対抗しようと思ったら油路線でいくしかないのか…。模索は続く。

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