

I've been running recently. It feels so good that I want to continue it. Today the TV in the gym was on and there was a final game of under 12 bowling championship. They are early teens, and they get strike many times! With a lot of pressure, their throw is controlled and hits all the pins. It was amazing. It made me want to go bowling! Watching TV, 10 minutes passed quickly. The next 10 minutes was challenging, but it was OK - I read blogs and watched bull riding that continued after the bowling. 20 minutes of running every other day or two - not too bad! If I can keep doing this for a couple more weeks, I think I will get some running gear to be a bit more like a committed runner. 
The issue is that Google Fit does not recognize my run as a run; instead, it says a walk even though it says I was doing 8 mph. It can't a be a walk, it's too fast! I think it's because I use the treadmill instead of physically running around. I like the weatherproof, air-conditioned gym with no worries of getting bitten by insects!

走っている。テレビを見たりブログを読んだりしながら何とか時間をつぶしている。しかし身に着けて走っている Google Fit アプリが、走っているのではなく歩いていると認識しているのが納得いかない。ランニングシューズがそろそろ買い替え時だな~

みたらし団子作った。みたらしのたれ、超簡単! 砂糖、しょうゆ、片栗粉(コーンスターチ)大さじ1ずつ、みりん大さじ2、水70 mL くらいを火にかけ、シリコンベラで常にかき混ぜながらとろりとなるまで弱火で煮るだけ! 消費期限一年過ぎた白玉粉をやっと消費できたーー


夏が過ぎて行っているーーー どんどん書き物をこなしていかねば!

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