
LinkedIn Learning videos to enhance productivity

Got to marathon-watch some helpful videos from LinkedIn!

The power of doing nothing.
- We are so used to constant stimuli from outside. But Doing nothing let's you focus on your thoughts. The most creative ideas come from doing nothing. 
- Have a bigger time in between appointments so that you have time to reflect what you learned from each appointment.
- Take advantage of time when you get to do nothing and think. On the bus, airports etc..
- Wait for 5 min and concentrate on your thoughts. Then, write them down after that. 

Orientation sensitivity - certain elements of a composition appeal to our nature more than others. 
- Tube map example. Beck made it aesthetic and easy to read by only having horizontal, vertical, and 45 degree angled diagnal lines, placing station names with the same distance, and removing the ground landmarks. 
- Horizontal and vertical lines are more aesthetically pleasing. 
- Lines differing by less than 30 degrees are difficult to detect. 
- Lines that differ by more than 30 degrees easily pop out and easy to detect. 

3 benefits of great listening 
- You will be liked. 
- You learn things from the conversation 
- You take control of the conversation by asking "how did you feel?" "How did you do that?" "It seems your work is going alright. What about your personal life?"

How to do small, non-urgent, but important tasks
- Bulk up similar tasks and do them all at once. Minimize your switching cost (reduced productivity because your brain needs to adjust. (but also your productivity may decrease when you do the same thing for a long time, so it's a balance?)
- Identify (know in advance) a small block of time in your schedule during which you can't do a huge task done but can get something little done.
- Procastinate strategically. "Sounds great, but I'm slammed with work now. Can you get back to me in two months?" 

Advice from a Science video creator 
Importance of STEAM = STEM + Art.
You can be interested in science and art at the same time. There's lots of things in science that need creativity. 
Don't let other people decide what you do. If you had a chance to do what you want to do, do it. Whether it goes wellnor not, it's your choice, and you have more control over it.

Career advice: Ask in your job interview:
- What gets rewarded in this company? What makes people stand out here? - those are the things that are valued. Do they fit your personality?
- Investment in the employees is an important perks. Do they support your professional growth? Will you improve and thrive in this environment? 
- Do a performance review regularly, more than once a year. "How well am I doing?" "Do I meet your expectations?" "Where can I improve?"


  1. I just watched almost the same series of the short LinkedIn videos yesterday in a Delta flight. The plane was about landing, so I didn't have time to watch them again to take notes. So happy to have found your nice summary of them, THANK YOU! By the way, I also live in Michigan (the flight from FRA to DTW.), and also I'm from Japan! :-) ありがとうございました。

    1. Great to hear that my summary was helpful! Thank you for posting a comment. I am glad to encounter someone from Japan living in Michigan. I hope you are enjoying your life as a Michigander :)
