






朝の涼しい空気を吸って、やる気が出るね! Cool and fresh autumn air makes me excited for a new day!
















サイズ比較図。肩にかけられてなんでも入るよー めちゃ軽くて薄いので、重いものは控えめに・・・



ピアニスト氏と貴重な時間を過ごしました☆ グルメも堪能。宴も堪能。何でも美味しいって言って食べてくれる人っていいな。次回は箸を二膳用意しときまっす……汗

Garlic shrimp bento box

Tapioca jasmine tea



☆ It's very nice that ordered products arrive very quickly in Japan! within 2-3 days!  In the US, it takes a week for an order to get shipped, and another week for the package to be transported across the continent.  (I know I'm exaggerating)

☆ Clothes drying in the bathroom is convenient, but it uses a lot of electricity.  I'll use a hanging rack to dry my laundry when not in hurry.  I'm glad I checked my electricity bills.  Want to be economical and environmentally friendly.

☆ A meeting at 1 am is hard.. especially when it goes overtime.

☆ It's inspiring to talk with my labmate who is taking his comps soon!!  He's smart.. Nothing to worry about him..

☆ Spent half a day writing my survey... I'll try to finish drafting it tomorrow and send it to my advisors.

☆ Need to print out my plan/goal for my dissertation! 


 同僚の前で注意されました、トラウマです。--> 恐怖を感じるのは人間の本能。できるだけ近づかない。近づかないといけないときは、慣れるまでかぼちゃとかじゃがいもだと思う。

察せないので怒られる。察せないことをわかってもらうにはどうしたらいい? --> 察せない人はいる。不器用な人と同じで、器用な人からしたら驚くようなことをしてしまうのと同じ。ちょっと驚くようなユーモラスなエピソードを準備しておいて、こんなことも起きてしまうんです、と例示すればわかってもらえるかも?






How to motivate yourself and stay focused

 When you have concerns, allow yoursefl to think about it for 30 min or so instead of just supressing it. Then go back to work.

Have an accountability partner like your boss or colleagues; to set a realistic deadline to get things done.

Set small and realistic goal for each day. 2 hours reading, 1 h writing, eat lunch, exercise, come back to writing, and reading again.

Set up an environment that's similar to my office.  Put up a goal on the wall.

Check in with your officemate that's productive and efficient. Get inspired.

It's an uncertain time, lots of changes to get adjusted to.






7- noon Internship!! Writing a lot.  What is the difference between conclusion and abstract??

    Learning to write (produce some texts) at 70% quality to meet the deadline.  - Be result-oriented, and committed to what I achieved at the end of the day!  Don't have time to pay close attention to finite details..

    A login problem with Qualtrics!!

2-4 pm Write the other paper.. Another issue with GWAS and I don't know how to proceed with this..

5 pm Made an appointment for health checkup. It's long overdue. I should take anything and everything available. 

6 pm print out papers and pay gas bill. 

7-11 pm Read 2 papers for lab meeting. Examples of good and bad papers.  It's intersting to see how data can be well or poorly presented.  Taking too much data is no good!



Probably my grandmother's house will be torn down and the land will be sold to someone with or without a new house built on it.  It's sad, but it can't be helped.  It's an old house... more than 40 years old and it's time to welcome a new generation.  On the other hand, my sister and my brother-in-law are looking for a new place to live in.  A new family will be formed soon, and the cycle continues. 

It's cumbersome to own a lot of stuff!  Should be a minimalist especially now moving to here and there many times.

3 more days of internship!!!

Editing my survey. It's another pain because I need to specify every move for every choices selected in a logic tree.  The further the tree you go into, the more logic statements you need and it makes the whole "code" very long. hmmm

 Went for a run for the first time in a while. It felt great.  Did some back workout too to prevent my back pain after working at the desk for so long.  I'm excited to get a bike soon!!




Should archeologists be always be allowed to excavate tombs and burial grounds?  Not really. It should be up to the people who take care of the place.  If the place is sacred and should not be touched or explored, then archeologists should not be allowed. If it's a private place that they want to keep it closed to the public, their intention should be respected.  The idea of 'studying history by excavation' may not be shared worldwide. Some people may think that things of the past should be left as they are.

hunch - intuition
He belives her hunch about Cleopatra's tomb speculated to be very close.





A Rainy Cool Friday


The following day of 1-2 am meeting with 7-10 am internship work. I need to make up for the lack of sleep somewhere.  Just 15 more hours to go until I finish my internship!! It was a long journey.

I get distracted so easily whenever I'm doing whatever... leaving everything hanging. 

I think I should aim at one small goal at a time and at the end be able to say "I finished this today!" not to get lost.

There are so many things to be done at the same time, but you can do only one thing at a time.


Back to work Thursday

Muscat grapes that my grandfather grew! 


Had a meeting with my advisor and planned what I am going to do this semester. 3 projects to finish!! Should print out my timeline..

Tried my best to create a survey using Qualtrics.  It's a heavy program, but easy to navigate and customize my survey.

Just 2 sentences, but it took me a whole day!! 


Hopefully the typhoons will bring cooler weather

Skies look beautiful after the passage of a typhoon.  It might have been windy, but it didn't rain much and it was OK.  Just a cool night.

Drew images of STRUCTURE analyses by Excel!  I didn't have to use complex program like distruct. Sometimes things will get easy if I go back to the basic.  I can adjust and change things much more easily using Excel.  Feeling good that I was able to write a lot today.

Two more weeks of internship to go!!  I think I will organize my files and folders for those who will take over my project and finish up writing my article, I think... Starting at 7 am is much much better than at 6 am! 

There were some events that made me realize health is wealth.  It's hard to change what people are used to, on the other hand.  It may be better to let them do as they please because life is limited anyway and you just need to hit the right balance of enjoying life and staying healthy, and people themselves decide what the right balance is, nobody else.  

Sitting all day working on the computer is no good for my back and health in general!  At least I get to go out tomorrow evening. 

Witnessed an exceptional talk by the greatest, smartest, and kindest labmate of mine!! Very impressive research done, both incredible quality and quantity. I'm so happy for her!!  It's too bad that I can't see her in person, but I'm sending her best wishes whatever her next journey is.  The next one to give a defense seminar is me...!  I hope it'll be a remote one. It's much less unnerving.  People are moving on to the next stage of their lives.. 

I want to try Orbis personal color exam..

I need to send email to USDBC...

And try using Qualtrics again! 


Got a CPT, made figures, and took a cool evening walk, ,



何としても今日もらわねば明日仕事ができないという危機的状況だったのでよかった。問い合わせしたら、今日処理しようと思って手元に持ってるよと言われた…し、すぐ作ってもらえたのでよかったけど、私がもし問い合わせしなかったらどうなっていただろう? 留学生課が忙しいのもとてもよくわかる!しかしぜひとも間違いなく出してほしい… 8月12日にお願いして、二度目の催促もしている、加えてこれがないと不法労働になってしまい、インターン先にも迷惑がかかるのだ! 空港に遅れて着いたほうが優先されて得をするような感じだ。これでもしもらえなくても私のプッシュが甘かったという私の責任になるんだよなー。いい文化のような、悪い文化のような。とにかく case specific, 問題が起きてから対処する、問題が起きて困る人の責任、となる。まあいいか… 未曽有の事態なのだから、とりあえず不法労働をまぬかれただけでもよしとしよう。


図表を作成しながら考える。STRUCTURE results can be visualized via Excel too.  I'll compare K=2 and K=3 side by side and see what K=3 can mean to breeding populations and more indigenous populations. 

If I did not talked to one of the advisor at OISS, I wouldn't have gotten my CPT on time.  It might have been forgotten altogether. It's my responsibility to make sure it gets processed even though I emailed them many times and reminded them about it weeks ago.  The closest deadline gets the highest priority, and so asking them in advance doesn't really work. OK..  But what if there was a mistake in the required documents and I need to get additional info from someone else? If my documents get reviewed only a day before, there is no way for me to get the documents corrected and get my CPT on time. And who is going to take the blame??  Trying not to think about it too much, but can't help, kind of...

Thankfully, my internship boss let me take a day off and sleep in, saying that it's better to have enough sleep and feel fresh when working.  It's very kind of him!! I was able to sleep well, finally, and got up only at 11:30!  I felt productive, doing analyses on population structure of my yellow bean panel and providing cooking time data of two reps.

I need to make a presentation about my internship as well!  Wave sounds are really nice background music to have while working.  Restless waves are calming, and masks the cooling sound of my laptops.

Walked for 30 min.  It was cool due to a typhoon approaching, but it's still humid and I was sweating when I came home.  It's much easier to walk around because there are less people on the road than Tokyo and the roads are wide enough.  I hope it will get cooler after the two typhoons come and go. 


September - Deadline to finish graphic design online course. Also want to finish writing paper 1. And draft my survey with Quatrics.  Finish internhip.

October - finish Nutrition and Cancer course. Start writing paper 2.  Start the survey.  






Today's phrases

Breakthroughs are a result of careful observations and keen itnerest in something unusual.  If Dr. Leadbetter had dismissed the black solid material he found upon return as mere garbage, this discovery would have never happened.

It would have been difficult even if it was in their native language because there are a lot of chemistry. 

STRUCTURE results visualized via distruct!!



台風が来るので庭木を家の中に入れる手伝いと食後の片づけをした。こんな感じでいいのかしら… 妹の結婚式の写真700枚も見て、おなかいっぱいです。

果物が高いーー オーストラリア産オレンジが唯一手の届く果物かな。でも海鮮、珍味がたくさんあって天国だー 薬局で売ってた360 g 1000円のプロテインを買ってみようか… マイプロテインのお試しセット1 kg 1890円でシェイカーまでついてくるのがあるけど、味がどんななのか分からないからなー。

