
What makes a good leader /良いリーダーとは







I observed someone trying to be handle a team.. poorly, sad to say.
Being capable of what is required as a worker is not a sufficient quality to be a good leader. A good leader unite and motivate other people, making them do more than the work combined that they would make if they worked individually. This is the whole point of team work.

Firstly, the direction of a good leader must be clear and concise delivered at the right speed. (Are you talking to us or just to yourself by murmuring fast like that?)

Next, a good leader must be confident about his/herself leading the way. (The humble "I'm not sure if it's correct, but..." will get everyone lost and disoriented.)

Thirdly, a good leader must be cooperative, wanting to do an excellent job with everyone. ("I am superior to you all, so I can do a good work by myself" kind of attitude will disappoint his/her team mates and make them reluctant to work in the team.

Lastly, a good leader must try to get to know all the team mates and let them know him/herself well. Warm and cheerful characters of a leader will encourage interactions among the team mates. If the leader stay quiet and withdrawn, there is no way that the team can be united as one.

If given a chance, I would like to inspire and motivate my people by being a friendly, determined leader and do a brilliant job that will be a valuable achievement to everyone. The whole experience will be a great source of lessons on working together, creating more than two from two ones.


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