
Fireflies watching!

Went fireflies watching in the valley deep in the mountains. There were so many of them occulting together.

Female fireflies dip the water and lay eggs. The eggs are in the water, and the nymph hatches, and they spend most of their time in the water. When they become adult fireflies, they get out of water and start to fly.

It was nice to see many friends at the English club after a while. We once kind of lost touch when the teacher left, but we are getting together again. With an attractive leader who likes to organise outings, we are very happy to go and will have fun. This kind of leadership (or charisma) is not something that not everyone has. For someone like me without that characteristics, all I can do is to wait for someone with it.

It seems to happen once in a few years. We get close, get together every weekend, and after a year or two we part for some reason, and we meet again. It's life, as is often said. It's time that we have fun, so I appreciate it and make the most of it. Very thankful.

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