

I couldn't believe my ear. A junior high school teacher doesn't grade properly, and the scores his students receive are full of (intentional) mistakes.

That is already astonishing, but moreover, he just sneers at the students who come to him to complain. He just says "Time's up. There's no way to correct your score." What. Of course there is a way to correct the score if there's a mistake!

It seems he gets a distorted pleasure by having a full control of the students' grade. How nasty! Isn't a teacher supposed to be a good example to the students? Some told about this to the principal and other teachers on a higher position than him, but nothing happened; on the contrary, the teacher poorly treated the students who complained. #$'%?!?!

Grade matters to the students. The teacher may have various issues in his life, but he must be professional. It's appalling how unreasonable and unjust it is, and how inactive to errors the whole system is. Is there anything that can be done?



学年長や校長に言っても何も変わらないらしい。どう見ても正しい解答をしてるのに、点数も修正されない。他の先生に言った子は、今後その先生からさらなる意地悪をされるらしい。何が起こってるの? なぜそんなのがまかり通ってるの? 組織の重い病な気がする。

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