
Know what you don't know

This American Life Podcasts:
555 The incredible rarity of changing your mind.
650 Change you can may e believe in.

Very intelegualin, thought-provoking stories of different people with various backgrounds gathered under a particular theme. Changing people's minds takes time and effort. But sometimes it happens in a drastic manner. Either good or bad, in any context from abortion rights, gay marriage, life restoration of criminals, or feminism movement.

It's indeed true that it's hard to change people's views on certain things, especially those they judge based on their emotions, not logic. It takes time, but small movements, nudging, and exposures I believe will gradually bring about subtle changes in people's mind. Knowing new things is fun, and discovering yourself with a more sophisticated opinion on a particular topic will feel good. I hope and believe that kind of benefits will encourage people to have a broader mind and be flexible towards new views they had never had before. That's how human beings evolve!

Dietetics online course resumed.
So hard to study and experiment at the same time. But now that I'm having a committee meeting on a set date, and that I'm interested in dietetics, people's choice or food and its conseqiconses, I should be able to talk about it at least. I need general, entry-level knowledge on it. I want to tell my committee members with confidence that I studied food science and nutrition as an undergraduate student. And this PhD work is in line with my fever interest in food and health.

What's a bonus is that the lecture is given in Aussie English, and it takes me back all the cherished memories I had with my Aussie collaborators. This sort of thing keeps me happy and motivated.


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