
Food waste processing facility visit

There was an event to visit a cafeteria where they collect and separate food waste (leftover food, inedible parts of ingredients and unused ingredients) and bring it to a anaerobic methane production facility instead of dumping it to landfill. It is a serious problem all over the world that one third of food produced never gets eaten because a lot of food is wasted somewhere, while people are suffering from hunger somewhere else.

The food waste processing facility produces methane gas through anaerobic fermentation of food waste. It provides the university with electricity. It's a commercial-scale, real setting to make ends meet. One of the cafeterias has a "closed system", where food waste is collected, brought to the facility, used either for producing methane gas or compost to make fertilizer. The fertilizer is going to be used in the organic farm to grow vegetables, and the produce will be used to prepare food again at the cafeteria.

What was shocking to me was that students return used dishes and cutleries on trays at the cafeteria, and the staff in the back separate remaining food, separate cups, dishes, and cutleries, through away paper napkins, etc. The students do not do it by themselves! Several staff members were working in line, one separating, one rinsing, one putting the dishes in the washer, etc. It's a touch job because they need to keep up with the fast, continuous pace of the tray return table, and the smell... Oh my gosh, it smells nothing but leftover food, all kinds mixed together. I think it'd be better for students (cafeteria users) to separate garbage, rinse the dishes and return them by themselves because that way they do not need to hire staff to just do it, and the students will be more conscious about how much they waste food every time they eat.

That kind of way of thinking is instilled in me probably because I've always done so at school cafeterias or the company one. That idea may only be feasible when almost everyone will obey the rule and neatly tidy up after eating. It may be hard to expect everyone to do the same thing in this diverse environment where people have different views on hygiene, cleanliness, and organization. Look at how dirty the shared microwave is! It's disgusting. Why don't you cover your food when you know that it's going to splatter!? Why don't you wipe the splash from your food after using it? Those kind of things really surprises me, and by instinct I know that even if I clean the microwave, it will be dirty again in a week or so. I had to lower my standard for hygiene with everyday life. I'm living in a country where people don't take off shoes in the house, don't wash hands after coming home, and put their legs on the table, at the very place they eat!

Anyway, it was good to see how they operate the closed system. I think it should be introduced to all the cafeterias to reduce landfill. But moreover, how about reducing the serving size at restaurants? Portion is huge in the US, and it seems so much food is wasted even though some people take leftover food home. Seemingly buffet style leads to a lot of uneaten food as well, but maybe not. I need to do research on that. I hope there will be more actions to reduce food waste despite all the challenges ahead.

「俺のイタリアン」会 -レシピ付き-

イタリアンレストランでバイトしていたという方に、お手製料理を振る舞ってもらいました! 本当にレストランのクオリティで、感動しました。彼のすごいところをまとめると:

 前菜   季節の野菜とバーニャカウダソース
 パスタ  キャベツとアンチョビのオイルソース
 メイン  白身魚のバター焼き アスパラ添え

フジッリとはくるくるした短いパスタのことで、Rotini とも呼ばれるようです。


 パスタ 乾麺100 g
 オリーブオイル 30 mL

 フジッリパスタ(くるくるの) 乾麺100 g
 アスパラ 3-4 cmに切る
 キノコ 食べやすい大きさに切る     
 クリーム 100 mL
 ゴルゴンゾーラチーズ 適量(味を見ながら加える)
 レモン汁 少量

 1.バター 2 cm x 2 cm x 1 cm を熱する。










Have fun in September!!

Read someone's blog that said "Let's have an enjoyable week of September!", and realized that it's OK to have fun! Having struggled so much in the programming class, it became a norm for me that I'm always stuck with the lecture videos, lost and clueless in the recitation and  depressed about the upcoming lecture videos again. It has been challenging, and it is unfortunate that there is no good way to teach it; you just need to experience it, get a bunch of error messages, and slowly fix things. Anyways I had fun today in the choir, singing for the first time in a long time. It was refreshing, and I feel reenergized.

プログラミングの予習、授業、課題に鬱々とする日々が当たり前になっていたので、そうか、楽しんでも良いんだ、とはっとした。プログラミングはすごく難しい。上手く教えることは難しいのかもしれない。がそれにしても、と思うのをぐっとやり過ごすが… 習うより慣れろ? 
気を取り直して今日はひっさしぶりに合唱に行けて、また大人数で歌う楽しさを感じられたので嬉しかった! リフレッシュできた。ふう。


Capital City Comic Con コミコン

Went to Capital City Comic Con just across the street from my apartment! There were illustrators and game creatros selling their artwork, comic book shops, and workshops for kids. Really interesting to see the Western comic culture and serious cosplayers. Some artists were selling their drawings of Naruto, Sakura, Bleach, and other Japanese cartoons that I don't know. It seems like it's a norm for them to draw using a pencil and a pen, scan it, and color it using a computer. Vividly coloured works stand out and it's more suited for public display. I didn't know MSU had a graphic novel club, which is essentially a drawing club. I don't feel like I need to be around many people when I draw, but it may be fun. They meet quite late though - 8-10 pm Thursday. It was an experience. And finally I got to wear my yukata. With all the cosplayers walking around, I mixed in well!

漫画イラストの祭典、コミコンがアパートの目の前であったので行ってみた。イラストレーターさんが絵を一枚いくらで売っているのが多かった。漫画本屋さんも出店、ゲーム関連もあり。アメリカの漫画、またはそれに影響を受けたオリジナルが多かったけれど、ナルトやカードキャプターさくら、BLEACHなどの絵もあり。何人かの人に制作方法を聞いたら、みんな、鉛筆で下書きしてペンで清書して、スキャナで取り込んでデジタルで色を塗るそうだ。確かに、下書きなどは手描きの方がやりやすいし、色はぱっきり配色にしやすいし背景とか一瞬で塗りつぶせるから効率的だ。ふむふむ。コスプレも面白かった。凝る人はすごく凝る。浴衣で行ったけど、全然浮かなかったので良かった! 浴衣をほめてくれた人が何人もいた。Kimono ではなく、 Yukataと言ってくれた人が一人だけいて、日本通!と思った。







スパイダーマンと審査員たち。 このスパイダーマンはすごくよくできていたし演技もうまかったのに入賞していなかった。ふむむ残念。








カリフラワーってこんな美味しかったのか…と 思いました。




大学のガーデンで見つけました。Spreading salmon🐟
カラフル!日本発?かも? ペチュニアかと思ったらサンパチェンスという花でした。つい足を止めて眺めずにはいられないほど綺麗!!



DNA実験のカタがついた!超絶忙しい日々だった…けれど、月曜までかかると思っていたものが金曜で終わって良い感じ。液体窒素で葉っぱを瞬間凍結して摩砕するというなかなか原始的な方法を使いました。液体窒素、-196Cという。そんな危ないものをよく使うなあ…。今回はどうしても必要だったから使ったけど(薄い白衣が防護になるのか?)、そうでなければ使いたくない代物。バイオの世界では必需品だけど、そうとう危ないと思う。DNA作業のスリリングなところは、作業がうまくいっているのか、抽出、制限酵素、ライゲーション、増幅、クリーンアップまでの一連の流れの最後まで行かないと分からないこと。DNAの溶けている液体は見た目ただの水なので、うまくいっているのか、DNAが分解されていないか、減っていないか、夾雑物が入っていないか、見た目では全く分からない。とりあえず最後まで行って、泳動して濃度測って、成功か失敗か分かる。失敗なら、どこで変になったのかは分からないので一からやり直し。。こんな20マイクロリットルの液体に、96品種のDNA情報が全て入っているなんて信じがたい。そしてこれが、スパコンで処理しなければならないような20GBのデータを生むことになるとは。DNAの配列解析の技術進歩は目覚ましい。そしていつかは、ありとあらゆるデータが簡単に手に入るようになったとして、その時我々はどんな研究をするのか? 1000品種の表現型、遺伝子型、農業特性を全てロボットが測定してくれたとしたら? このセンサーを肌にピッと当てるだけで、この病気ですね、と診断できたとしたら? 想像もできない世界になりそう。まさに、メンデルのえんどう豆の研究の時代から今の時代の技術は想像できないように……。

It was a very very busy week...! I'm happy that I was able to finish everything I was going to do, plus some extra that I originally thought would take up to Monday. It's really interesting that DNA works are something that you cannot see, and it is only after you run a gel or measure concentrations of the final product that you know whether your whole experiment went well or not. This is tricky unlike some other experiments where you can detect errors or mistakes by seeing the color of the liquid doesn't change or the value is not what it is supposed be, etc. When you are dealing with DNA, it is just transparent liquid - you can't tell it apart from water. Though, that small 20 uL or something of liquid does contain all the information that human genome or bean genome in my case has - of multiple varieties, believe it or not. Then after you sequence it, provided the library preparation went well, that will produce 20 GB of sequencing data, which you need to process, clean, filter, and analyse using a supercomputer. Genotyping is like a magic. Truly so. The science of biology has advanced so much that obtaining sequencing information is a piece of cake. Now it is an era of tailored medication, genomic selection, gene-editing, machine-learning. When we get ANY kind of imaginable data so easily, what would be your research question? Would there be more research question? "Here's the list of the 1,000 bean genotypes that were grown, phenotyped, and genotyped by robots." "Let me put this sensor on your skin for a sec - you have this disease." "This is the predicted likelihood of your fetus having this syndrome." What would we then do, or how do we protect our genotypic information?

卒業間近のクラスメイトが職を探している。彼は人と話しながら考える人らしく、彼に捕まったら20-30分は話し続ける。それか、書き物ばかりで孤独な作業で、人と話すのに飢えているのかもしれない。募集があるという育種家職に応募しようとしているが、彼はそんなに育種が好きではない…らしいのだ。不思議。とりあえず見知った分野だし、PhDの経験を即活かせるのでやりやすいのはやりやすいだろうけれど。ま、一生そこにいる必要はないし、他のこともいずれやろうと思えば経験できるのかもしれない。しかしながら、そんなに好きになれそうもないと最初から分かっている職に応募する心理は不思議だ。それとも、いったんその職業についたら好きになるのだろうか。使われる立場の大学院生ではなく、使う立場の育種家になれば、もっと感覚が違うのだろうか。私の経験からすると、好きになれそうにないと薄々分かっている職は、やはり後々もそんなに好きになれそうもないと感じるが…柔軟性の問題かも。彼は22-28歳の間は人生で一番楽しかった時期だったと言っている。責任もなくプレッシャーもなく、旅行をたくさんしたそう。 28くらいかと思っていたので、年齢不詳! どんな仕事をしていたのか今度聞こう。22-28は自分の選択ながら一番つらかった時期だったので私とは対照的…。それぞれの選択、そのあと待っている結果。そして今彼は、これだ!とは思わない職業に就こうとしている。人間は時折、分かっちゃいるけどそんな選択をするのかもしれない…

Another story of my classmate - in the same office suite before, close to graduate and applying for jobs. He wants to travel, but after starting a job, he may not be able to. It's always hard to balance work and life. He likes to talk - I think he thinks while talking. He uses conversation as a stimuli to his brain. Or he just want s to talk with someone, not to himself like he does while writing. He is applying for a job that will make him super busy. "I'll see",  he says. He doesn't need to stick to the job for his entire career. There will be always a second chance, a better opportunity, or a chance to do something different. It's interesting that he is going for a job that he knows he will not love. Or will he? We'll see. From my experience, you cannot continue whatever job for a long time if you don't love it. Maybe you can if you don't mind it, but you should at least be willing to commit your time and effort to it. If a job is a means to earn money to live, it might be hard to endure. He says his 22-28 years old was the best time of his life. Not so much responsibility, no more schoolwork, freedom. He travelled a lot during this period. I should have asked what kind of work he did then, but that time is the darkest time in my life - suffering from "what on earth am I doing here? syndrome" for most of the duration of my work experience, well at least until 27. It is a lesson. Whatever you do is your own choice, based on your own will. What others may say or think may be a great deal with you, but eventually, you are the one who will get all the consequences of your choice. So be honest to yourself. Don't be afraid to go back, or make corrections. Well anyway he is now making a decision that he himself is even unsure about... from time to time, humans may choose to do what they are not sure about. That may be how life goes on. 

1 min before thunderstorm - buckle up!  雷雨の来る一分前。避難!


Visiting students 学部2年生と夕食

I had an opportunity to meet with some students from Japan. The majority of them are 2nd year undergrad students studying agriculture. In the first week of their two-week program, they take English classes in the morning and have free time to explore in the afternoon. It reminds me of the English course I took in Seattle. The second seek, which is what they are getting into now, highlights some laboratory visits. The first impression? OMG they are so young!!! They look like high school students. They dress nice. It seemed like they are keeping up well with the programme, curious about graduate school in Japan and abroad, getting a job, choosing laboratory, thinking about what they want to do in the future. I got to meet them because today's tour to Lake Michigan was cancelled due to rain. They had to kill time somewhere, as the organiser from the university had no alternative plan. It was astonishing to me, kind of, that this 10-year age difference makes such a big difference in the way of viewing the world. They are in a very very early stage of their career development, anything's possible. Their canvas is plain bright white. They have already some experience like working and travelling abroad like this, but they will go through so many more things.. It was impressive that one of the students is taking English lesson 45 min every day at school. There is a special plan for that, daily English lesson for just 100,000 yen for a year. It is a great investment!! I wish I had such an offering at my university! I cried. They are shy, reserved, and a bit passive, but seemed like they have their own thoughts on things. It may have been a good experience - plan cancelled and left on their own - because this is typically what is going to happen if they come to the US, or many other parts of the world, probably. There is no over-service found in Japan. Anyway.. it was a "wow" experience to meet them, startled at the vast potential and possibility they have right now. I wish them all the best.

当大学に2週間来ているという日本の大学の農学部二年生たちに会う機会があった。第一印象は……わっか!!高校生に見える。10歳違うだけでこんなに違うのか、という驚きと戸惑い。それは見た目だけではなく、中身も。彼らの将来は可能性に満ちていて、真っ白なキャンバスだ。もうすぐ研究室配属になるらしく、どこが良いかとか、将来何がしたいか、大学院に行くなら日本か海外か…など、考えることはたくさんのようだった。今日はミシガン湖にいく予定だったが雨のため中止になったとのことで、急遽夕食を大学街でともにした。当大学の担当者は、雨天時の計画を特にたてていなかったようで、じゃあまた明日ね、と言って帰ってしまったらしい。いかにもアメリカ。日本みたいに至れり尽くせりではないということを経験できた良い機会だったね、と言っておいた。こちらでポスドクをしている友人も、こちらでは基本放置だから、自分でいろいろ決めて動いてみないといけない、ということを言っていた。思えばそれが最大の違いかも。積極性はきわめて大事!!と私がいえたことではないが、それに気づくだけでも重要と思う。でも、彼らの中のひとりは、大学が提供している毎日45分の英語の授業を受けているらしい。(一年間10万円という破格!) やっぱり興味のあることは自分で見つけてやるという姿勢がとても大事。その子は別の大学の研究室の実験補助のアルバイトにも行っていて、海外で研究しそうな感じ。いいね! 


Classes starts again - changing majors pros and cons

The bioinformatics course is a flipped-style class, where students watch lecture videos that teach them how to organise data, run analyses, and check the results. Then they do assignments, and come to class to discuss/seek help/ ask questions to finish the assignment. It's a much better system than the traditional class style. Firstly because students can watch lecture videos as many times as they want, whereas they have only one chance to catch and write down what the lecturer says in a traditional classroom setting. Second, it is easier to do the assignment because students will bring the assignment that they have already started and know where they are stuck with rather than starting homework after attending a lecture, get stuck, alone, and the lecture will proceed to the next topic. It's a very good opportunity to master basic skills of bioinformatics, which is very challenging to teach oneself. I don't know how much of it I will need in the future, but it will be very useful in my dissertation.

On the first day, though, there was the only classroom-style lecture. In one of the slides, the lecturer said when you first enter into a new field, nothing works in your first year, or the first stage. You will get a ton of error message and it won't just go. Therefore, you will need to spend some extra  time to get things going when you start something new. It is pretty much true about anything, like moving to a new environment, changing jobs, or starting a new discipline of study. The struggle is worthwhile because it widens your horizon, broadens your capability making you a more well-rounded person. On the other hand, frequent changes will prevent you from getting to know something at a deep level. It takes a long time to be an expert in anything. Balance of new and old is key. At this stage, I should give careful consideration on what I am going to start. Will it be useful in my future career? Will it be something that I will think that it was worth? Will I be willing to be patient until I overcome the initial struggle?

code, coder, coding

Welcome back potluck poster

I used real pictures of potluck dishes that were brought before. I hope it is appetising and attracts people to come by. It's great that we have a fairly strong graduate students social group. I like serving as a secretary, photographer, and artistic designer of our group. Yay.



クラスメイト曰く、2つの専門分野を持つダブルPhDや、ダブルとまでは行かないけれど専門の他にもう一つかなり詳しい分野があるよという Certificate or Minor というものがあるらしい。いくつか指定される追加の授業を受けるともらえるらしい。彼は情報学に強いので、情報工学のマイナーを取りたいようだ。ダブルPhDとなると、かなりハードな数学を要求されるが、マイナーなら行けそうとのこと。それを修了した場合、PhD in genetics and minor in bioinfomatics というような学位になるようだ。一粒で二度おいしいシステム、いいね!と思い食品学関連で何かないか調べたが、食品、栄養学のマイナーはないようだった…。Graduate certificate というものを取るのであれば、学部からの授業+大学院レベルの授業をフルで取らねばならず、他専攻の学生が片手間でできるようなものではなかった。まあそれはそうか…。というわけで私は自分の専門を修了することに専念します! 情報学は、数学、工学、農学、生物工学と応用範囲が広いのでマイナーとして持っていて役立つのでしょう。こういったシステムがあるのはとても良い。やりたいことによって、役立つ授業を取って、ということができるので。必修の授業を免除してもらうこともできたし、こういうことが杓子定規でないところはとてもありがたい。

Bean pasta tasting again! 豆パスタ試食会再び

Presented bean pasta again at a field day to reach out local farmers and keep them updated with our research findings. It was drizzling, but we were able to set up a table and serve pasta samples outside in the field. I got to be on the back of a truck! It's always fun to travel that way!


2名は前日入りし、夜の試食会をこなしてからの当日。ハード。私を含め残りの人たちは当日朝会場入りした。予定では10:30に最初の農家さんグループが来て、発表開始ということだった。研究室作成パスタと市販の豆パスタ(あまりおいしくない見本)の二種類を提供する。のに、現在9:40、「あと10ー15分したらパスタを茹で始めようかー」と悠長な感じだった。私はびっくり。今ここはキッチンで、我々はこれからまず一種類目のパスタを茹でて、試食カップに配り分け、お湯を沸かし直して二種類目のパスタを茹でてカップに配り分け、保温設備のセットアップをしたのち全てを積み込んで圃場に出向き、テーブルを立ち上げて試食の準備をし、10時半には農家さんを迎えられるようにしなければならない。それなのに50分前の時点で何も準備していないですって!? 豆パスタをメインでやっている担当者よりも、教授よりも、私の方がパニック。今すぐ始めないと!と速攻でパスタをお湯に放り込む。なにをそんなに急ぐ?という反応をされたが、ここまで来て間に合いませんでしたでは目も当てられない。なぜそんなに根拠のない余裕をもてる?と私の方が問いたかったが、余裕をもって行動するかどうかはもはや性格だけでなく文化や会社経験があるかどうかなど複数要素が絡んでくる問題で、一朝一夕に分かってもらえるものではない。






After finishing writing a book chapter, I felt like celebrating it with a glass of wine. 180mL-bottles are convenient for a small drinker like me living alone. The Pino Grigio to the left did not have strong flavour, and it might go well with a strong-flavoured dishes. The middle rose, White Zinfandel had a sweet, honey-like aroma and fruity flavour. This is the best! The Chardonnay had a rich, mellow aroma and flavour, a little bit honey-like. It seemed quite well-rounded, not too sweet, not too dry, pairing nicely with almost anything. Those small bottles are a good option to try and see which one you like. Especially for rose, which is usually more expensive than whites. I am wondering if different Rose tastes taste similar to this or not. It makes me want to learn about wine tasting.

本仕上げがかなりの難作業で、仕上がった祝杯にとワインを買いたくなった。久しぶりにアルコールを飲む。180ミリボトルという手軽なものがあったのでそれを試してみた。カリフォルニアのもので、ピノグリージョ、ホワイトジンファンデル(?)、シャルドネ。ピノグリージョはあまり味がなく、何か強めのスパイス系の食べ物がほしいなという感じ。ホワイトジンファンデルはさすがロゼで、蜂蜜のような甘みとフルーティな味が良かった。シャルドネはドライすぎず、甘みもあり、飲みやすい。 食中酒にぴったり。ロゼは高いことが多いのでお手頃に試飲できてラッキー。



Lovely alpaca from my Aussie friends!!
It's been 8 months since I last saw them in December in NYC. It feels like yesterday, but I miss them. I wish I could fly to Adelaide for a weekend or something!
アデレードの友達からのアルパカ写真。私がかわいいと言ってたのを覚えていてくれている。ふわふわもふもふーー 彼らに真冬のニューヨークで再会してから早八ヶ月。月日がたつのは速いけど、まだ昨日のことのように感じる。アデレードに気軽に行けたらいいのになあー

Niagara Fall project 友達のプロポーズ作戦

I am very happy for my friend and his girlfriend; now they are engaged! He purchased a beautiful ring last December, and wanted to take her to a romantic place for a long time. He chose Niagara Falls in the border of US and Canada. In order to go there, he needed to apply for a visa to enter Canada. It took more than expected, and after 8 months, they were finally able to cross the border, had a wonderful time there! He shared their pictures and they look so cute and lovely. It was nice. It's finally official. I admire his patience to carry out his plan at the best timing. 

I accidentally texted him during their trip, but I'm glad it turned out to be alright! 

プロポーズ作戦決行中とは知らず、仕事に関するショートメールを朝から送ってしまったー 平日月曜だったから普通に研究室にいると思ったのです。旅行からの帰り道だったかもしれない。そんなこともある~

city, clouds, daylight

Photography of Silver Ring on Book