
A walk in Legg Park -2

Some more beautiful pictures of a cloudy, spring-like day

No horses!


A walk in Legg Park -1

Enjoyed a hike in Legg Park in Okemos with some wonderful hikemates!

Beaver gnawed the bark of a tree for making dams!

Overflowing river after a rain

Skunk cabbage; a rare find.

Tree collapsed and uprooted.

A mirror river

Inside a skunk cabbage is a tiny pineapple

wild fern. It's fun to know the names of wild plants as we encounter them!



"Knowledge is power." 知は力なり

Read a book that says "Humans have similar intelligence after all: most of us are smarter than apes and a bit inferior to Einstein.  What makes a difference is knowledge.  How much we know directly affects how well we think."


It makes total sense.  I've been always wondering how I can be smarter.  I need to read more and build a solid knowledge foundation on various topics. Then I'll be able to connect different pieces of information together to build new ideas and solve problems.  In this age of googling, the value of knowledge may have been underestimated, but what you have in your brain is very different from what you need to look up from somewhere else!!

Stormy spring & writing

Got a new phone!  Making it learn my typing pattern again.  It takes decent pictures!  But the best thing is it's super fast and responsive.  It's got 6 gb of RAM, more than my 6-year old laptop does.  What an age. 

Have to think about my next job.  It's fun but tiring to browse what's out there on the market. 

It was 70F yesterday and super warm!  It really smells like spring, too.  It feels great to bike around under the sun.  It can get gusty, but that's normal. Rains sometime, stormy sometimes, but it's getting really warm. Snow is completely gone.  Probably won't see it again.  Will I miss it?  Will I miss the frigid cold temperatures, piles of snow, and icy, slippery roads?  Maybe.. or maybe not. 

Really need to write my paper!!  Gosh..  motivate myself by thinking that it'll feel great after seeing it published.

Weekend plan

👍- Edit CV, research statement, teaching statement

👍- Update my ms with new figures 
- Write ms
👍- Genotypic corr
- Metabolic pathway search

👍- File tax
👍- Ensure to submit PSM endowment application

- Graphic design assignment (find painting) 


政治的に無価値なキミたちへ 大田比路




Weekend plans so I won't forget


👍- Review my peer's cover letters once I get feedback from Jessica? 
👍- Final Presentation & documents
- Edit CV, research statement, teaching statement

👍- Copy SNPhylo files from scratch to OneDrive
- Update my ms with new figures 
- Write ms
- Genotypic corr
- Metabolic pathway search

👍- PSM endowment (due next week!) 
👍- Grill fish
👍- Go get groceries or have them delivered 
👍- Cook veggies
- File tax

👍- Home Bean cooking experiment & comment

- Graphic design assignment (find painting) 
👍- Finish reading 政治的に〜
👍- Read on Cmoa
👍- Laundry
👍- spit sample 

It's a game of how much I can get done in two days! 


Lab meeting presentation done!

Just finished presenting my research update for this semester.  Not too bad. I was prepared, and I didn't have to write a script this time. I was confident enough 2 talk and explain my results on the fly.

Compared to the last semester where I had to write every word of what I'm going to say while I am presenting, it was an improvement. I am much more familiar with my own data. After redoing my analysis updating my results, I guess I was able to give deep of thoughts to my research and enrich my discussion for that.

Up next is writing my paper one with all the results ready to go, and my second paper I also have almost all results done. For the third one, I am still conducting a pilot test to be followed by a full launch.

I also need to finish writing my application packet for the professional development class.  That is for this weekend.


Bonfire night on an early spring day

Went to a bonfire and caught up with friends again.  I'm so glad to be part of this group.  Friends who are graduating this spring or summer have found their next step of their career.  Am I going to do the same?? Not sure when to talk to my advisor about this or where to start...


Toxic positivity vs. Genuine optimism

Things to keep in my mind by all means....














こういうアンケート調査は、文面を何度も検討して修正して、他の人にみてもらっては修正し、ってのを繰り返して完成させていくらしいのだが、それにしてもこの段階になると、「修正のための修正」をしているように感じる。論文修正のように。実際どういうふうに回答されるか、少人数の人に送ってみてパイロットテストを行うという段階があるのだから、もう送ってみたらいいやん……と思い、もう送ってみた。(# ̄З ̄) もう次の段階に進みたい。




Super busy with classwork and research!

Everything takes so much more time than anticipated!  Tons of edits followed by another reviews.. I'm in an endless loop.  

I need to write a diversity statement as well! When an I going to find time for that? 


John Denver's 70th birthday!!

Today's John Denver's 70th birthday, if he was alive.  I still remember the day I heard his song for the first time from his best album that my father got, who is also a fan of country music. 

Even though I then had studied English for a year or two, his songs with simple, direct, and beautiful words talked straight to my heart.  It was amazing how vividly I could picture the beauty of nature he sang about.  His cheerful and soft characteristic voice was a perfect match with his acoustic guitar, and the emotions he got in his songs - they always stunned me.

John's songs resonated with me this much because I grew up in the countryside with mountains and the ocean, and loved to be in nature.  It felt so soothing and secure to be surrounded by plants and animals, to gaze at the stars, to feel the wind, to smell the rain, and to watch the sky change its colours in twilight.  I once dreamed about being a tree doctor or a landscape photographer.  Today, listening to his songs still reminds me of my country home. 

I can't remember which I learned first - that he wrote a song "Leaving on a jet plane" and that he died in a private jet plane crash.  I can't find a word to describe this feeling.  Just so, so unfortunate.  And, the song  that says he would be leaving on a jet plane but would come back, can feel chokingly painful.  He left us so many great songs, nonetheless, and they are still alive after 50 so years. 

His wife, Annie, was on the interview.  I cannot imagine devastating it was to lose him like that.  But she looked okay when she was talking about sweet memories with him.  But deep down, it is only her that knows her true feelings, and whether to show them or not is up to her.

It was a good coincidence that I turned on my TV on a whim today, found this documentary about John Denver, and learned that it was his 70th birthday.  Happy birthday, John, I can't believe I was a middle school student in a small town in Japan when your songs first touched my heart and now I am living in the US pursuing my graduate degree, enjoying the beauty of nature myself that you cherished.  Still love your songs, always. 

Spring walk

Namoke trail walk in an upper 50F weather.  It was gorgeous, and it was great exercise after being stuck at home writing and coding.  So nice to have a buddy to enjoy being outdoors! 



Plant and Soil Sciences Building and snow

It feels a bit sad to think about graduating from this building soon.. The Plant and Soil Sciences Building with melting snow in the early spring twilight.


Iraqi restaurant

Checked out the first Iraqi restaurant in the city. Everything was flavorful and delicious, and it's great they are loaded with veggies.  Chicken kebab is delicious! 



Keeping busy while time is flying

Trying to finish as much as I can, then the equal number of new tasks just keep coming up....
Can I finish everything in 5 months!?!?!  

It's more like a game or a movie that I watch from a third person view.  Whatever is going to happen, I'll just deal with it as they come along.