
A Saturday off - Laundry by hand and Nitzsche walks

I will resume morning journaling from now on..

It's quite nice to wake up to the sunlight.  I like my east-facing room.

I did laundry by hand!!  Easy things to wash by hand only, but it's quite an effort to squeeze drain my clothes.  Winter clothes would be much more difficult.  I'm thankful to the invention a washing machine.  Looking forward to be able to use a coin laundry facility next week!!

It reminded me of the old days when people did laundry all by hand.  It was most likely a women's chore.  Coincidentally, I'm studing the world history since 1700s, and they must have been doing the laundry by hand at that time.  I am learning so much about what happened in those eras that had an influence on today's world.  It's just surprising that only 200-300 years ago, people's (or at least the rules') mentality was invation, expanding their empire, going into war, and making money to their own empire's advantage, and take slaves from Africa to work in the New World.  Considering that those were the norm just 2-3 centuries ago, we humans have come a long way.  But still, turmoil and unrest are happening here and there in parts of the world, which is more than heartbreaking.    

It was a very relaxing Saturday, did not turn on my computer because I wanted to take a rest from work.  I took a walk, drew some, and listened to Youtube videos about philosophers.  Nietzsche's words and deeds are very inspiting.  Especially an anecdote that he took hours-long walks in the alps to clear and organize his thoughts.  I will do the same in the evenings when it's cooler and less humid..  (Nietzsche is such a complex spelling...)

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