Thoughts and notes of a researcher in plant genetics and nutritional epidemiology in Japan and the U.S. with a wide range of interests - choral activities, photography, nature, travel, and drawing. L'épanouissement personnel means personal development and fulfillment. Still in the middle of it, enjoying the process. 農学部、酒類企業研究員を経て、米国ミシガン州立大学で博士過程を卒業後、植物遺伝学と食物疫学の研究に片足ずつつっこんでいます。趣味の合唱、自然観察、旅行、写真、絵描き、国際交流など、いろんな記録です。L'épanouissement personnelは自己研鑽、実現というような意味です。生涯に渡って一緒に旅する人生のテーマ。
Cooking day
Easy peasy dishes
Got some new recipe from the famous British TV show, "The naked chef".
Above: Mushroom with fish meat, chicken, and cheese on it. I just mixed up all the ingredients and flavored it with pepper and salt and put it on the mushrooms. Just toast them for 5 min, very easy and extremely nice!
Bottom: Italian soup. Chop up broccoli, onions, tomatoes. mushrooms and chicken, and light fry them with some olive oil. Pour 5 cups of water(variable) and add consommé soup powder in it. It really tastes like Italian food. Olive oil can be used for not only soup but also pasta, salad, etc...
He uses a big oven and bakes various things, which look so delicious! I wish I had a big oven in my small apartment too!
His AG accent was not so strong as I expected, and he tried to speak slowly so I had little problem understanding what he was saying. I still spotted some characteristics of AG English. One of the most typical and confusing one is that "A" becomes "I" in his speech. He is talking about "AMX", but what I hear is "IMX". Similarly 8 sounds like "ait".
His explanation was clear enough for me to understand the basics. It was fun and I was very excited all the time during the lecture because it was like studying abroad. I do regret not staying in a foreign country for a long time to study. Living away from your home country and going all for something you want to do must broaden your horizon, your limit, and your view of life. Anyway I was very very lucky to be able to take this special chance to attend a lecture by an extremely famous professor in the world.