Finally spring has come!!! It's the loveliest time of the year! Squirrels are back, and I can bike in to work. It's been such a stressful month. I was going to push forward even more, but realized it was physically, logistically impossible to get everything done all at once. I only have a limited amount of time each day. It is not a good idea to devote so much and burn out myself. It was a touch decision because I had everything planned and was just about to kick off the experiment I had prepared things for. But I decided to postpone it to July/ August. It was disappointing, but there are other things that are higher priority. My adviser was ok and understanding, which is very kind of her. My experiment will resume after my holiday. It's OK..
Then I remembered someone talking about her extremely busy and stressful days at work, when she was constantly sleep-deprived, emotionally devastated. Families and relatives suggested she is overloading herself and she should quit, but she gave an adamant refusal with bloodshot eyes. She only had work in her mind at that time, and she thought it was her responsibility to get things done no matter how long it takes. Just like that, you tend not to realize how crazy schedule you are following when you are in the middle of something. And after a certain point, you do not realize your body cannot handle it even if you want to.
やりたいと思っていること、やらなければいけないこと、いろんなことがあるけど… そんなに思い詰めてやらないように、余裕をもってやろう、と思いました。もう大学院生活も折り返しが近く、ビックリです。今日研究室の人が博士論文の公聴会をしていて、卒業していきました。私も2年ちょっと後にああやって発表するんだなあと。そのためにも、丁寧に、良いデータを出そう。と思いました。
モクレンも開花! この咲き始めの時が希望と可能性に満ちていて好きだー
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