Space contrast (relation between objects and the remaining white space)
Thoughts and notes of a researcher in plant genetics and nutritional epidemiology in Japan and the U.S. with a wide range of interests - choral activities, photography, nature, travel, and drawing. L'épanouissement personnel means personal development and fulfillment. Still in the middle of it, enjoying the process. 農学部、酒類企業研究員を経て、米国ミシガン州立大学で博士過程を卒業後、植物遺伝学と食物疫学の研究に片足ずつつっこんでいます。趣味の合唱、自然観察、旅行、写真、絵描き、国際交流など、いろんな記録です。L'épanouissement personnelは自己研鑽、実現というような意味です。生涯に渡って一緒に旅する人生のテーマ。
Hard earned certificate No.3! --Fundamentals of Graphic Design--
A weekend full of online courses
Weekends pass very quickly!! It was a fruitful one. Now I have 3 online courses to keep track of in addition to my bean research and internship. At the end of summer, I will have ccomplished so much, hopefully!!
I spend a lot of time perfecting my infographic.. a few more edits and it will be read to go!
Hard-earned certificate No.2!!
Finished taking "Design and Make Inforaphics" on Coursera. I spent a good chunk of time these past two weekends, and finally got something that I'm happy with! It's very rewarding to earn a certificate of completion of a course.
This course is taught by a professor at my university... on an online platform.. just a coincidence. He had worked for NewsWeek many years and has made so many beautiful infographics and informational graphical articles in his career. Adobe Illustrator was recommended, but it was not free, so I didn't use it. I did all the assignments with Medibang paint, Excel, and Powerpoint. But I'm sure Illustrator would make things much better. The professor makes it very easy to make materials with good colors and fonts.
Anyways I'm happy with my infographic. It will be useful for me when I meet someone for the first time and explain why and on what trait I'm working on beans (though I don't know when I can ever meet someone in person again...)
All the images and icons are creative commons or my own, so I don't need to worry about copyright issues. My internship has taught me how to search for freely available contents, which I haven't paid a lot of attention to, but is important!!
I like the course - I recommend it to anyone who is interested in making infographics.
Interstingly, I think designing still relies heavily on invididuals' intuition - it's hard to teach how to arrange elements you need in the best way and to use the fonts and colors in the best effective way. There are so many combinations, and it's just impossible to try everything, and yet, we need to find out the best layout or overall look of the materials you are making. It cannot be calculated. It can only be optimized by one's artistic brain. It's easy to tell when a design is bad, but it's hard to tell how to improve it. Another course on fundamentals of graphic design, a part of Professional Certicicate program, will help a little bit more.
来週からはCertified Food Technologist の試験に向けて10回の講座が始まる! (備忘) 食品開発を再びしたいのかはほんとに謎になってきたけど、開発以外のことにも役立つだろう、きっと。これは通常テキサスかどっかに行かないと受けられないので今年はオンラインでよかった。これを機会に、オンライン講義が普通の選択肢となるといいな。地理的問題で出られないのはもったいない。
Busy days go fast!!
It's really tough to have 2 jobs!!
Maybe I'm aiming at overachieving goals. I may need to get things done quicker. Need to finish making slides in 2 days. It's a dilemma because I want to put figures and diagrams to explain things, which takes a lot of time and effort to make, but they're helpful to understand the concept. I don't want to make slides with just texts. It's a balancing act...
Designing a lot of communication materials. I wish I could sort out the best way to place all elements nicely. It takes forever to figure out the best. I hope I'll get faster at it.
Seems like I don't need to go to the field this year. Wow... What a difference from last year.
Red cabbage & Infographic
Found multigrain Ciabatta bread rolls!! A bit grainy, but I like the chewy texture. It's also great that they contain whole wheat flour and no sugar.
揚げ豆腐的なものが下のスーパーに$1で売られていたので思わず買った! アジアンな味付けで美味しかった。醤油味の中華風はどうしたら作れるのかな??
インターンの2週間目が終わった。10週間なので1/5が終わったことになる。早いな。教科書の章ごとにプレゼン(教員用、教科書を買ったらついてくる)をせっせと作っている。今週は本職(豆研究)でもプレゼン三昧。EdXの講座 Nutrition, Heart Disease and Diabetes を受けといて本当に良かった。受けていなかったら章の半分くらいは理解できなかったと思う。
ひとりごと とプルメリアがまた見たい
Museum St. の名にふさわしい芸術品!と書かれてあった。う、うん、確かにね... 機械仕掛けでアイデアが出てくるってことかなーー
久しぶりの州議事堂。ミシガン州では(おとなりオハイオでも)屋内でのマスク着用が義務となったので、マスクをしない自由を求めて、抗議デモをしているひとたちがいた。日曜日なのに。。州知事さんいませんよ。ていうかマスクをしない自由を掲げて病気にかかって、誰が面倒見ると思ってるのかしら... 医療関係者の気持ちを考えているのかしら... なんて、誰が聞いているかわからないのでおおっぴらには言えない。
今朝の特別番組で、政府高官が2月に「マスクを買わないで、足りないから! マスクをしていても予防効果はありません」とツイートしたことについて、その高官が今はマスク着用を呼び掛けていることにたいしてめちゃめちゃ追及されていた。その容赦の無さに驚いた。「あのときは無症状者から感染することが知られていませんでした。科学は進歩するのです、得られた新しい情報をもとに、勧告を変えていくのです。」と説明するけれど、「それでも、国民を混乱させたのは事実ですよね。」とキャスターは辛口だ。そりゃそうかもしれないけどさ...混乱させてやろうなんて思っていないよ。科学によって新しい情報が得られるのには時間がかかるのだよ。彼らは寝ずに、週末も休日もなしに対応に追われているのにそんなひどい言いかたしなくてもいいじゃない、と思った。まあキャスターにしてみれば、訂正するんですね、という、確認なだけなのかもしれないけど。なーんか日曜の朝から、滅入る内容であった・・。
Jamaican style curried pork
It was surprisingly easy to make a curry dish from scratch. The spices formed a complex flavor with sauteed onion and pork.
Original recipe:
I didn't add potatoes and used pork instead of chicken. However modified, the spices make anything fragrant and delicious! The key is to use plenty of spices. 2 Tbsp of the curry powder went in along with many others.
2 Tbsp minced garlic
2 Tbsp curry powder
1/2 tsp crushed hot pepper
1/2 tsp ginger powder
1/4 tsp thyme (smells earthy & strong!)
1/4 tsp garam masala
4 grains of crushed allspice (could be more)
Day 1 of internship and Online concert
The first day of my internship went alright.. I was given two articles about functional foods definitions and the necessity of consolidating them. My supervisor and I had a fruitful discussion and got some ideas on my potential projects.
Half a day every day is quite a time commitment. I'm detemined to get most out of this intense opportunity!
I enjoyed so much watching my favorite artists' livestream concert so much!
Infographics - Week 2 Charts!
Learning to make infographics.
I made this chart as an assignment for Week 2. Excel can make very good charts too. I'll try to stick with Excel and other free platforms cos I don't have the trial version of Adobe Illustrator anymore..
And these numbers are true! Food loss includes natural shrinkage, but the majority of food loss is "Wasted (uneaten) food" mainly produced at home.
It's been so hot every day with the temperature reaching over 90F. It's rare that similar weather pattern continues this long. Global warming is real...
I need to do the laundry more often now!
Morning bike ride
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