Thoughts and notes of a researcher in plant genetics and nutritional epidemiology in Japan and the U.S. with a wide range of interests - choral activities, photography, nature, travel, and drawing. L'épanouissement personnel means personal development and fulfillment. Still in the middle of it, enjoying the process. 農学部、酒類企業研究員を経て、米国ミシガン州立大学で博士過程を卒業後、植物遺伝学と食物疫学の研究に片足ずつつっこんでいます。趣味の合唱、自然観察、旅行、写真、絵描き、国際交流など、いろんな記録です。L'épanouissement personnelは自己研鑽、実現というような意味です。生涯に渡って一緒に旅する人生のテーマ。
夏の茜空 Twilight in midsummer - 2
The sunset is beautiful in summer. It really feels that the day is getting shorter. Makes sense, it's been more than a month since summer solstice. It's still so hot and humid though!!! How many more heatwaves will we have??
夕焼け空 Twilight in midsummer
セミが朝から大合唱しているし、日中はローストされているのではないかと思うくらいに暑いし… 夏真っ盛り!! いや、夜になっても暑い…夜でも散歩すると汗をかく。まだ終わらないんだな~夏。もう十分…堪能しましたが笑
It feels like I'm in a steam oven all day! It's still very hot and humid at night, with the paved roads emitting the heat they absorved during the day. My, it's really suffocating day and night! I've had enough summer already... can we just move on to autumn?? I miss the nice short summer in MI, where it already goes down to 10C at night in August!
まあまあご近所なので行ってみた。静かで小ぢんまりしたところだった。神社や寺にしばらく行っていなかったので新鮮だった~~ 寺社仏閣が政治に絡んでいるというのを最近聞いているから、足が遠退くけど… その寺社の主義主張を貼っておいてほしいな。という依頼状も実際にあったりしている。
Summer greetings
Time to write summer greeting cards.. My free time just flies by in the evening and on weekends!! I don't have enough time to do all that I want to do!
おばんざいと串揚げ まい㐂
京のお食事処 おばんざいと串揚げ まい㐂 (まいき)へ。㐂は喜という漢字の異性体だそうな。
台湾料理会 Taiwanese cuisine + shawarma feast
We made Lurou fan, Hujiao bing, Chicken Shawarma, pita bread. We were cooking and eating from 1 pm through around 7 pm. It was a lot of work to make bread and bao from scratch, but they taste so good when freshly prepared. Also watched Sherlock Holmes Game of Shadows, starred by Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law. It was full of action, thrill, and adventure. Some scenes reflected episodes from the original novel. It was interesting to see. I never knew, but this Sherlock Holmes movie is 2011 and is a second one with Downey and Law. The first one was in 2009. I want to check that out too.
祇園祭の山鉾巡業 Float processions at Gion Festival
Went to see Gion festival with 1,100 years of history. Gion is the name of the area where it's held. It started as a ritual to get rid of disease-causing evil spirits. Hence, the largest float has a long sword on top of it. Some 33 small and large floats with elaborate decorations travel on three main street of the city. The large ones carry a lot of musical instruments players and conductors on them, so they easily weigh several tons. People are pulling ropes attached to the floats. Just by pulling! It was worth visiting and viewing despite it being so hot and humid plus the venue being super crowded. Spectators were happy to view the procession of the floats because it took place for the first time since 2019. It was something! It feels great to be a tourist in my own city.
祇園祭に行ってきました!覚悟はしていたけど暑かった…! 祇園祭は1,100年の歴史を持つ京都のお祭りで、疫病退治を祈願するために行われたのが始まりだそう。なので、一番メインの鉾(山車)には薙刀がついている。大きな鉾には楽器を演奏する人や曳き手を指揮する人などが乗っていて、そして飾りもついているし木でできているし、ゆうに何トンもの重さ。車輪が付いているとはいえ、よく引っ張って動かすね…。すごい。2年ぶりの開催だったし、会場は湧いておりました。観光客やってます笑
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芦刈鉾。曼陀羅茶のオーナーが曳き手の一人として参加していた。ちょっとどこにいるか分からなかったけど…汗 お疲れさまでしたーー! |
祇園祭の宵山! Gion Festival float viewing & food stalls
二年ぶり開催の祇園祭。初めて見た! 烏丸通の四条ー御池通、その周りの路地もどーんと歩行者天国にして、鉾や山を見たり、屋台がたくさんあったり、レストランも賑わっていた。こんなにたくさんの人を京都で見たのは本当に久しぶりだった。すごい人…。だいたいどこも左側通行になっていて、みんなルールをよく守ってえらい。
I ended up going to the night market and float viewing on Friday night - got a last minute invite and let's do it! A perfect way to start a long three day weekend! A large area of the city center was blocked just for pedestrians, and it was so crowded with people viewing the floats and getting food from the food stalls. I have never seen Kyoto in this lively atomosphere for a long time. Interesting to see various restaurants selling carry-out food as well.
What impresed me was that almost everyone followed the rule of walking on the left side, as traffic normally do. So it was safe to stroll around without bumping into others despite it being so crowded. People are quite well-organized here..
The floats on the street, ready to be drawn on Sunday, reminded me the similar event in Fukuoka, Hakata Yamakasa festival, which also takes place sometime in summer. It was one of the main attractions that we took international exchange students to. Those were the days..!
just a random thought, but why don't we have exchange programs between domestic universities? It would be an experience to make new friends and expand your holizen. It would be beneficial especially for collage students in less populated prefectures. That's an idea! I would've loved that.