
DIY Kueh lapis クエラピス作ってみた

I made kueh lapis with a Singaporean friend!  We didn't have pandan leaf, but its coconut aroma and chewy texture are kueh lapis'!  I'm glad we got to have it in Japan 😆  We added a Halloween twist to it and made purple batter with purple sweet potato flour. 💜🤍

Kueh lapis is a steamed layered cake made from coconut milk and tapioca starch, and it originates in Indonesia. 


La Curry ラ カリー


La Curry





10/22は時代祭でした! 京都御所から平安神宮まで、日本の歴史の各時代の衣装を忠実に再現した行列が練り歩く。出発地の京都御所、なかなかの人出。有料観覧席もあり、祇園祭と同じだ。

プロが時代考証した衣装、一人当たり平均1千万円かかっているとアナウンスされた気がしたが聞き違いかな?! そんなにかからない…気がするのだが。しかし牛舎や籠なども含めた費用を頭数で割ればそうなるのかもしれない。


牛や馬がたくさん出ていた! 馬は、ゆっくり歩いたり、ちょっと立ち止まって行列が流れるのを待ったりすることがあまり好きではないようで、馬を引く人たちは大変。ぐるぐるとその場を歩かせて、機嫌を取りつつ、行列が進むのを待つ。馬は駆け回りたい生き物だろうからな…。






First meeting at the animal welfare center 動物愛護センターでの初回ミーティング

First training session led by a coordinator/facilitator.  With 33 new volunteers for the next fiscal year.

1. Self introduction and ice breaking

2. Tour around the welfare center. 

Main message: Taking care of shelter animals is one duty that volunteers will be involved in, but it's not the only thing.  Other activities include helping in educational events, making brochures and posters about shelter animals.

Volunteers are not mere helping staff to address labor shortage.  Rather, they are to raise public awareness of animal welfare issues and tackle them together with the animal welfare center staff. 

There will be two lecture days in Nov and Dec, followed by on-the-job training to be taken 4 times during Jan - Mar.  Then volunteers will have a choice to become a full-fledged volunteer staff member to work there for the following three years.  An orientation ceremony will he held when you start, and a commencement (graduation) ceremony will also be held when you complete your three year term.  It's just like a school...







読めればわかるフランス語、いや、発音はできるのだが…それと理解できるはまったく違う…なんて筆者も言っていたけど。でも、聞いたことがあるフランス語の解説をしてくれているのでためになった。プランタンは春、とか。le か la かが大問題ではないか…自然に覚えるまで待つんだろうな。て丁寧な名詞にするために「ご」をつけるか「お」をつけるか、みたいな違いだと思う。


Programming as a language

Trying to get a lot of things done, not as fast I hoped though... 

 Now I really understand why programming languages are called "languages". You need to remember a lot of vocabs to be able to speak it fluently!  That sounds like duh, but before, I didn't think so much about generating my scripts fast like a language because I thought it was just a blueprint of your analysis.  But it'd be so much better if I could produce a lot of output faster, because there's just so much to do.  I'll be too slow if I had to look up words so frequently.  Though you can look at cheatsheets and example code, your coding speed would be much faster if you don't have to.  That was my aha moment today.

I need some practice to be able to code fast, but I'll try to use my foreign language learning experiences as a guide! 

The interesting thing is that learning programming is actually the opposite of the usual language learning curve!  The usual one is "easy first, then it'll get more difficult as you learn more complex grammar and sophisticated vocabulary". But for programming, the first is the most challenging and confusing.  It's just so different from any language humans speak.  You gotta get used to how machines speak, and it's difficult to understand.   You get errors millions of times with no clue what's wrong.  As time goes by, it'll become easier as you're more familiar with how to communicate with computers and how to troubleshoot. It's an interesting contrast, actually.  


詩仙堂と圓光寺 Shisendo and Enkouji temples

 Explored the north eastern part of the city today, Shisendo and Enkouji temples. Shisendo was built by Jozan Ishikawa, a retired samurai, in 1641 as a residence to enjoy his life after retirement.  He spent some 30 years here practicing his already exceptional talent in poetry and calligraphy.  The big garden with seasonal flowers must've inspired his creativity. 


Enkouji temple was built as a school for math in 1601 by order of Ieyasu Tokugawa, the soon-to-be ruler of Japan at the time. It's intriguing that it was open to public as well as to monks.  This temple has a huge garden too, where maple leaves are beautiful, especially in the autumn foliage season.  Ieyasu's grave is  on a small hill, where you can see the northern part of the city.  Kyoto city offers a nice view because there's no skyscrapers, which are prohibited in order to keep the traditional look of Kyoto. I love it!  The scents of mountains, fragrant olive flowers, the twilight, and autumn.. they all invoke nostalgia. Oh, there was a monkey in the graveyard, munching the chrysanthemum flowers that are the offerings for the grave...

It takes 30 min by bus to come to this area from the city center, but it's all worth it, and it's great that it's not crowded as much. 

圓光寺は徳川家康が数学発展のために建てた。僧侶だけでなく一般人も受け入れていたという、最先端さ。広い庭があり、絵画、活版印刷の道具などがいろいろな建物にあり、面積も大きいので見て回るのが楽しい。家康の墓もあった。ちょっとした山(丘?)で、市北部を一望できる。山の香り、夕方の香り、金木犀の香り、秋の香り。郷愁を誘う。美しい〜最高でしたーー そいえば猿も見た。お供えの菊の花をむしゃむしゃ食べてた…






趣味でデータ解析しようとはあまり思ったことなかったけど… そういうこともできるなあ。


どうやったらコーディング速くなるんだろう…? 最近本当に効率化を考える。





ーー 起業するにあたって「安定」の意味を定義しなおす必要がある。軌道に乗るまでは不安定。でも、それからは会社員よりよっぽど安定。なぜなら、

  1. 事業をいろいろな国で行えば、ドルが変動しても、ユーロが変動しても、リスク分散される。
  2. 軌道に乗せるまでの試行錯誤期間にもいろいろなことを学べるので、得るものはゼロではない。5年かかって学んだことが、次に同じことをするときは半年でできるようになったりする。
  3. 会社員は人員削減されたらそれで終わり。 





ドイツパン食レポ 2 ロッゲンミッシュブロート






ライ麦は小麦と違うのに、製造法やらが確立されていて、消費者に受け入れられている。豆粉もそういう感じにしたらいいのでは…。でもライはグルテン類似タンパクが多少入ってるから、グルテンフリー粉に比べると小麦と似た性質を出せてるんだろうな…。おいしかったなーまた食べたい! 意外にドイツパン売っているところがない!!


動物愛護センターボランティアの面接/ Interview for volunteering at Kyoto Animal Welfare Center

I applied for a volunteer position at the Kyoto City Animal Welfare Center and received an invitation for an interview. (by mail!)  The questions in the application form were some serious essay questions: 

#1. Why are you interested in volunteering here and what do you think you can contribute to?  
#2. What do you think is the meaning of public "services" offered by Kyoto Animal Welfare Center?   

They are dead serious about it, which is a good thing.

Three other people came to the interview, so it was a group interview, and we were all there by 9:45.  It was amazing.  There was even a waiting room for the interviewees.  I did not like the silence, so I asked them what they were going to ask us, and after that, we had a friendly conversation.  We talked about dogs, where we live (I was surprised that they came from far away by train), puppy walkers (dogs that become guide dogs for the blind), and so on.  It was interesting to hear that some of the wanna-be puppy walker volunteers said that it is ideal because it does not come with the difficult time when dogs (or any pets) pass away as puppy warker is for a limited time; while others said that it was hard when they had to return the dogs to the training facility.  All of them were dog people lol. But there were also stories of puppied returned to the puppy walker home because they could not pass the guide dog test.  Or others said that guide dogs come back to their home after they retire.  I liked to hear those heartwarming stories.

Then came the interview.  In a large conference room, four interviewers sit at an L-shaped table and four applicants sat on chairs.  I think the distance between them and us was 5 to 6 meters.  I had to raise my voice to be heard (at 9 Saturday morning!).  Everyone wearing masks just added to the distance.  It was much like a group interview for real job hunting...!  I'm glad they are this selective in hiring volunteers, though. 

The questions asked were:
#1. Self-introduction and why you want to work here. 
#2. What do you think about feeding stray cats?
#3. Sometimes euthanasia is the only choice left to us because we cannot find foster family for shelter animals because of extreme agressiveness or an incurable disease, or other reasons.  What is your opinion about mercy killing of animals like them?
#4 Do you agree that you may not be able to continue as a volunteer if your relationship with the staff or other volunteers deteriorates?  An answer "yes" or "no" will suffice.

#1. all have owned dogs and some have worked with shelter dogs.  My fellow interviewees have a lot of experiences!

Regarding #2, one said, "If you are going to feed them, it makes sense to sterilize them and even take care of their waste."  I had vaguely thought that just feeding them was like not taking full responsibility, but when she listed the other things that were necessary, it was very informative.

As for #3, I think this question is not so much about the answer as it is about whether the person is like an abnormal complainer who complains to the center about the killing of animals.  They say there are people like that.  It must be very saddening to be criticized in abusive language when you're doing your best.

And #4. I was amused, to be honest.  But there must have been ...... difficult people.  If you hire 30 people every year, there will be some.  I think just saying something like this up front would be a great deterrent.  I never thought the word "inter-human relations" would come up at an animal welfare center.

The interviewers told us that they received more than 100 applications for the 30 positions available, and that made them very happy and grateful.  That means there is a higher chance of not getting the job.  I know they probably narrowed down the number of people they interviewed through the application screening process, but still.  

They were all very professional people at 8:30 on a Saturday morning!  After that, I went to the hospital for a checkup, which went so smoothly that I wondered if it was a weekday today.  People who deal with living creatures (whether animals or humans) are amazing.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) - edited by author.

京都市動物愛護センターのボランティア募集に応募して、面接の案内がきた。(郵便だった!) 応募用紙はちょっとした作文で、「志望動機と、あなたはどのように動物愛護センターに貢献できると考えますか。」「あなたが考える動物愛護センターの意義は何ですか。」なかなか…。



  1. 自己紹介と志望動機
  2. 野良猫にエサをあげる行為についてどう思いますか。
  3. 殺処分についてどう考えますか。
  4. 愛護センター職員または他のボランティアとの人間関係の悪化によっては、ボランティアの継続をご遠慮いただく場合があります、同意していただけますか。回答は「はい」か「いいえ」のみで結構です。

30人の募集枠に、100通以上の応募がきたということで、嬉しい悲鳴というか、ありがたいです、とおっしゃっていた。ということは、普通に考えて落ちる可能性の方が高いということね。恐らく書類選考で面接する人数を絞ってはいるだろうけど。それにしても、土曜の朝8時半から、プロ意識の高い人たちばかり。このあと病院で検診を受けたのだけどそれも非常にスムーズで、今日は平日か?と思うくらいのテキパキさで… 生き物(動物であれ人間であれ)相手の人はすごいな、と思う。

AIとロボットが仕事を奪い、新たな仕事を作る? / AI and robots taking jobs and creating jobs?

I saw a documentary about AI (artificial intelligence) and robots taking jobs.

This is not the first time that jobs that used to exist have become obsolete due to the passage of time. There were typewriters and telephone operators that are no longer needed, and even recently, due to covid, airline staff are being reassigned all over the place.  Re-skilling, learning new things to keep up with the times, is important, it said.  In Germany, trainees are learning to repair machine following the instructions on a tablet. He said, "Maybe one day this repair job will be unnecessary."

But learning new things to keep up with the times is not easy.  As we get older, our ability to learn declines, and so does our motivation to do it in the first place.  I realize firsthand that it is the energy-saving nature of the brain that makes us want to do what we have always done.  You never know what will happen in your working life.

What you are good at or what kind of personality you have and whether they suit to your time may be a matter of luck.  In the days of agriculture, cattle raising, and handicrafts, people who were rich in innovative ideas and willing to try new things were difficult to get hired, and those who could repeat the same things methodically were valued. Nowadays, however, such "simple labor" is performed by robots.

It is said that it is still difficult to replace robots for nursing care.  Since the location of pain differs from person to person, it is not enough to guess that the pain is most likely to be felt here, statistically.  Also, it is difficult for elderly people to operate robots and AI, so human labor will be needed there, at least now.

Mr. Sun of SoftBank, who is actively promoting the AI and robotics business, wants "people who can create AI" the most, and this is already a battle for talent.  Next is design. "Next is designers who can create designs for robots that appeal to people, the consumers."

So, what should the rest of us do?  Banks are also trying to become more efficient and drastically reduce their workforce.  Certainly, there is little need to go see a real person at the counter of a bank anymore.  However, the rest of us are not only workers but also consumers, and without their income, the entire country's economy will not revolve.. I think?  If competition in the AI business does not work, a few giant companies will make fortune and the general public will suffer.

In Las Vegas, robots are spreading rapidly, and robot bartenders and robot hotel staff are becoming tourist attractions.  There have been protests by (human) hotel staff and restaurant workers about it.  Some AI entrepreneurs are making money and taking away the ordinary people's source of income." It is not a bad thing that the work is done efficiently, and if robots can do the hard work, it would be welcomed, but the fact that some entrepreneurs are profiting is not good.  The protesters said, "I need the income to support my children.", but if everything becomes more efficient, education becomes more efficient, and education costs less, and will they not have to work so much?  In other words, they would have to spend less, so they would have to earn less...?

And their protest saying that they "need the income" is almost like saying "I am not willing to learn anything new"...sort of?  But a new job may mean relocation, and the question of whether big business can displace people as well is a complicated one.

It is said that mankind (or rather, developed countries that can introduce robots) is in the same situation as the Roman Empire used to be.  They expand their territory and bring in slaves to do the labor.  So the citizens of the Roman Empire no longer had to labor. Beyond that, what happened.... I'll read and find out.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) - edited by author.







では、それ以外の人たち… はどうすればいいのか? 銀行も効率化して大幅に人員削減しようとしている。確かに、窓口に行く必要はもはや殆どない。しかし、それ以外の人たちも、労働者であると同時に消費者でもあるので、彼らに収入がないと国全体の経済は回っていかない、だろう…? でも、いちばん稼いでいるのは孫さんみたいな、AI事業を進めている人たちだ。AI事業に競争原理が働かなければ、それこそ少数の大企業が大もうけして、庶民は苦しむことになる。





Lantern-lit Fushimi Inari 伏見稲荷花灯路 

Went to Fushimi Inari again for the lit up routes!! It only takes place Oct 1-10. I'm thankful that it's free. This kind of lit up events are expensive, for electricity.  So... There were so many people despite it was on Monday!  Kyoto is certainly busier than ever... well, to the extent I know.  

I love walking in low lights.  Very fantastical and calming at the same time.

I want to move to a bigger place.. to invite friends and hold a party now that Kyoto is busy and it's hard to find a cafe to go in and chat!  I miss American apartments with that regard.  Maybe the soon-to-begin apartment construction in front of my current residence is a blessing in disguise..? so that I can move to a bigger place where pets are allowed...?  Oh my, still, I don't wanna move.. It's such a hassle and a lot of money.