

Brain secrets to increase your brain power and maintain your cognitive abilities. 

1. Neuroplasticity. We have a chance to change our brain every day. 
Neurogenesys - creating new neurons happens any time of your life, so if you train it, it always gets better. 

Religious order study - controlled study. Nuns eat the same things, lead the same life. Found genetic variants that lead to progress dementia or Alzheimer's disease.

Cognitive reserve is a capacity of your brain parts to perform a function of other parts that weakened. Having more reserve means your cognitive activity declines more slowly.

2. To build cognitive reserve, challenge yourself. Push it with just right amount. Learn new things and train your brain. Your brain is ready to take challenges and will improve. But if we don't take the advantage of its capability to grow, you'll slowly lose it. 

3. Calibrate yourself. Understand how your brain is doing. How long do I take to do this task, is it faster than others of my age? It helps to know where you stand. 

4. What's good for your body is good for your brain. Physical health inseparable from cognitive health. Exercise helps creating new neurons and movement control. Walking on uneven surfaces is a great challenge. Example: after practicing juggling for 3 months, the brain part responsible for motion vision were more activated. The more you use your brain, the better it becomes. 

5. Focus your attention. Stay focused on your task, then signals travel more easily between neurons. The more travels of impulses between neurons, the more connected they are. 

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