
Kinkhao タイ&ラオス料理 キンカーオ

Very close from my place - just 20 min by bike.  This one is on the 2nd floor, and the river view is great.  Pad Thai lunch came with many small dishes.  The salad dressing was unique and good.  Of course the Pad Thai was delicious!! It had daikon radish in it, which was interesting.  I enjoyed its crunchy texture.  They will probably put another vegetable in summer in place of daikon.. I'm curious what it would be. 

Kinkhao タイ&ラオス料理 キンカーオ



Chishaku-in temple 智積院

Visited Chishaku-in temple in a serene afternoon.  Exploring places I can bike to instead of taking public transportation.  It's fun to look around what I can do with a restriction, mainly the radius I can go.

Chishaku-in temple was build around 1600s, when some Buddhist priests in Shingon sect escaped feudal conflicts in Wakayama and came to Kyoto.  Since then, the temple has been a head temple of this sect.  It flourished in the 1700s as a school where pious Buddhist monks live and study.  It is a huge temple with many buildings and halls.  The plum trees are starting to bloom.  

The name Chishaku has a deep meaning -- 'to accumulate knowledge'.  It's inspiring to be in this place where monks studied to accumulate knowledge, and it makes me want to be a better researcher who contributes new knowledge to the society.

And they also have a national treasure of paperwall paintings by Hasegawa Tohaku and their followers.  Hasegawa was once a student to the Kano school, but his bold style led to disagreement and friction with them.  So, he started his own school, and he and his son drew the gigantic paperwall paintings of flowers and trees in four seasons, which are preserved in the treasure house at this temple.  The paintings were just amazing, still bright and vivid, and it was hard to believe that it was drawn some 400 years ago.

Despite the large size, all the lives on the wall paintings had intricate details, reality, and beauty.  The huge pine trees, which were often the main theme of the paintings, were decorated in harmony with other plants and the golden background.   It was truly a stunning view to have all the paintings on the four walls of the house, and I could have stayed there for hours if it had not been the time to close.  No pictures were allowed, but it's OK... I'll defininately come back to see the exquisite artwork again.                




Stats are super complex!! After taking introductory and advanced statistics class, and perhaps the more I take classes, the more I feel I'm lost and need help.

It's because:

1. There are countless possibilities of your statistical model, whether the variance of the residuals is equal or not (usually not!), whether the residuals are normally distributed or not, and the types of analyses you want to do!!  It's next to impossible to be an expert of all unless you are a stats major.

2. Need to depend on R packages to do the analyses, but not all packages are perfect: some cannot deal with certain types of models, and some cannot handle heteroscedasticity and so on.  So.. you would either spend a lot of time searching for 'the perfect package', or use the incomplete method that's available in your package of choice.  And it's very hard to judge whether the alternative method is good 'enough'.

Stats.. seems to confuse many researchers that are not a statistician.  How can we improve this situation?

1. Mandate ~4 courses to cover all possible models and analyses methods to arm them?

2. A stats consultant on every floor?  -- But what if when we graduate and go into an industry?


西本願寺 Nishi Honganji temple

Finally got to the the other Honganji!  My grandparents' family is under this Buddhist denomination, I believe... Nishi was more simplistic and compact than Higashi, which was intersting. The main hall was under renovation, so I should come here again when it's done.  Maybe the main hall is as resplendent as the other one's. 

The gate is huge and stands out even from a distance.

It's rare to see a temple around a moat.

This is the decoration block on top of the roof.. 

Over there!!

I love the intricate wood carving.  Makes me want to try myself.  




京都は最近毎週のように雪が降っている。しかも積もる。さすが盆地! 部屋のなかでもダウン着ないと寒い。足元ヒーター使いまくっているので電気代が怖いなーー






cafe SNC




本場のパッタイ! @四条パクチー


四条パクチー Shijo Pakuchi


いろいろついてくる、パッタイランチ。白いのはタピオカ in ココナッツミルク。





昆布の細長さ故に見た目というか食べ方的には焼きそばになってしまったけど笑、だしはしっかり出て、油揚げ、鶏肉の美味しさも加わってとても美味でした! 得意料理への昇格なるかー



Lobio ლობიო

ジョージアの豆料理ロビオを作ってみた。豆をマリネしただけのとてもシンプルなお品、でも美味しかった! サラダにぱらぱらとふりかけても良さそう。
Georgian bean dish, lobio.  Marinated beans with vinegar, oil, salt, and some herbs.  Super easy to make and delicious!




朝から大粒?の雪で、積もっていたので金閣寺に行ってみました! 雪をかぶった金閣寺は綺麗だと聞いていたので。はたして! まず、京都市の北と南とで雪の積もり方が全然違うことがあると聞いていたけどそれも本当だった。北の方にある金閣寺のあたりはすごい雪景色になっていた。ミシガンみたいだった。しかし気温がプラスなのですぐ融ける…。

朝には雪が止むようだったのでちょうどよかった。そして着いて舎利殿を見たら…晴れた! 青空に金閣寺、そして雪。よく映える。写真家さんのインスタとかを後で見たら、雪が積もって、残っているうちに晴れるのは珍しいようで。観光パンフレットによく載っているあの光景が撮れた!! 





花びらもち ーお正月の和菓子ー



今まで食べた和生菓子の中で一二を争うほど美味しかった。甘さではなく、味噌と人参、ごぼうの旨味で勝負しているのが良い! まさに、お雑煮! 美味しかったです。一月中旬までの販売だそうなので、間に合って良かったーー。


Flour survey manuscript in progress

Finished editing my flour survey manuscript for the moment... That was a lot of edits to be made!!!

It was an interesting study where I was able to gain experience interviewing strangers, which was nerve-wracking.  It taught me that research that you are interested in knowing and research you want to do are two different things. 

For example, I am concerned about deforestation, poverty, and climate change.  But it would be very hard for me to go to those severely affected places and provide physical labor in harsh environments.  My dad once told me a similar thing when I was young.  Even if you are concerned about environmental pollution, whether you want to be in the front line tacking it or not is a different question to ask.

It feels like I should have learned it at a much younger age, but I'm taking a note on it so that I won't forget.  There are so many problems in this world to be solved, and there are many ways to be involved in activities to solve them, not just as a form of vocation.

I hope I will be able to publish the article smoothly and soon!  No more makeovers, please!!



キッシュとスパイス Quiche and spices

Food diary day 2. 

ほうれんそうとサーモンのキッシュとラムレーズンクリームパン! 三条のキッシュ推しパン屋さんにて発見! キッシュの種類がすごくたくさんあった。キッシュは四角形でたべやすい。らむれーずんはラムの濃厚なかおりと味で美味しかった。
Salmon and spinach (?) quiche and raison & custard bread.  Liked the squre shape of the quiche. Easy to handle and eat, and with some extra crust.  The raisons seem to have been soaked in rum and match with the custard cream well. Very flavorful.  

料理でスパイスをたくさん使ったので(tk氏持参...感謝)、私もまたスパイス料理してみたいなと思い。こういうの、気が向いたときに一気に揃えるに限る。アメリカでけっこうスパイスを持っていたけど、開封済みのは置いていかないといけなかったので... とりあえず簡単そうなジョージアの豆料理、ロビオを作ってみよう! やっとlobio覚えた!!
Inspired by the flavorful dinner last night, I got a lot of spices myself!  Finally I feel like cooking more seriously.  I was kinda hesitant to buy a lot of condiments because I had to throw away all the opened spices I had before coming back.  It felt wasteful.  But I miss making spicy food to my own liking.  A Georgian bean dish, lobio, might be a good one to start.