Food diary day 2.
ほうれんそうとサーモンのキッシュとラムレーズンクリームパン! 三条のキッシュ推しパン屋さんにて発見! キッシュの種類がすごくたくさんあった。キッシュは四角形でたべやすい。らむれーずんはラムの濃厚なかおりと味で美味しかった。
Salmon and spinach (?) quiche and raison & custard bread. Liked the squre shape of the quiche. Easy to handle and eat, and with some extra crust. The raisons seem to have been soaked in rum and match with the custard cream well. Very flavorful.
Inspired by the flavorful dinner last night, I got a lot of spices myself! Finally I feel like cooking more seriously. I was kinda hesitant to buy a lot of condiments because I had to throw away all the opened spices I had before coming back. It felt wasteful. But I miss making spicy food to my own liking. A Georgian bean dish, lobio, might be a good one to start.
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