
Kyoto Rainbow Pride!

Went to Kyoto Rainbow Pride and walked with the parade despite rain today!  It was rather a small group compared to the gigantic one held in Tokyo, but still it was heartwarming to see people waving back to us.  We crossed big intersections because the police stopped all way traffic for us. It was a great teamwork to witness.  We  marched through Kawaramachi to Shichijo with rainbow flags and capes. And with so many people smiling and waving at us..  It was an empowering and emotional experience. Seems like it started last year.  Despite the rain, many people showed up even some kids.  Corporate sponsers and university clubs were there too.
It should be more than just a fun event but  a gathering for human rights, but yet it's helping to raise awareness.  Awareness and familiarity will help in the long run when we are about to change the laws. 

I heard a vegan festival held in Osaka was also rainy this year. Veganism makes me think.. if I claim our human rights to be treated well, then who are we to raise animals for consumption?  

My "excuse" is that it's okay to do so because we are at the top of the food chain as a human being, and it's natural that carnivores eat other animals.  Also, plants are living organisms too. Why just focus on animals? Sure plants don't speak, but they grow, move, and strive to live, if you observe them daily. Who are we to take the lives of them for out own sustenance? 

It boils down to the conclusion that we all have different views, thoughts, and priorities, formed from knowledge, experiences, and "biases" you have collected so far.  We may not agree with each other on everything all the time.  If so, then it's our up to build tolerance, respect, acceptance, understanding, coexistence, trying to find a middle ground or tactically avoid touchy subjects for peace.

I guess we will continue thinking, and modify our cations accordingly whenever we have new insights. And continue to be open.  

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