










達観し、そんなこともあるさ、とのれんのように受け流し、柳のようにたわんでは戻る、しなやかさ。ミドルネームが Willow (柳)という友達がいたけど、素晴らしい名前だな。かっこいい。







心の警報は大事! 軽視したりせず、真摯に耳を傾け、素直に受け入れる




これはコワーキングスペースの、フランス人の友だち(スウェーデン在住歴長い)が作ってくれた、スウェーデンのクリスマスのパン。サフランを使うらしいので、こんなに黄色い色。一人暮らしで、オーブン使って手捏ねでパンを焼く…クリスマスにかける情熱を伺い知れる…! 生酵母らしい、しかも。すごい。


Chocolate gift from Belgie

Received a gift from a friend in Belgium.  It's really nice of him! The chocolate was delicious, just as expected for Belgian chocolate. I shared one bar with my coworkers, who enjoyed it, and had another bar just for myself. It's nice to have something to eat piece by piece, slowly.

Got something for him as a Christimas and new year's gift.  It's fun to pick little small things for someone.  Season of giving!


鍋&餃子パーティー! Hotpot and dumplings party!

Hosted a hotpot and dumpling party with three good friends.  It was my first time to host three other people in my apartment, but it turned out really nicely.  I rearranged my furniture and my room feels much bigger now.  I got to clean my apartment thoroughly, too.  It was easy to prep a hotpot, thanks to the seasoning pouch I bought.  Three of them brought wines and cakes, which were all delicious!  We talked about different things. It was a great opportunity to get to know each other more because usually in the writing meetup, we don't have a lot of time getting into deep conversations, though we talk what we worked on during the session and what we do briefly.

One of them was visiting Japan. She travels all around the world.  It made me the meaning of travel. It sounds tiring to travel every three months, but it gives you new experiences, insights, connections, and encounters.  It will widen your perspectives that you wouldn't get by staying in one city.  It's a balance to strike.


Cake and flowers!

White sparkling wine and sweet pea flowers brought by a friend.  Superb!!

This is how pan-fried dumplings should look like!, according to my friends. haha

One of them brought cakes!

Dolce, sweet, sparkling red wine. Very nice.

Nice dumplings

Hotpot party!

Dumpling made by a designer friend.  You can tell. 


Chat with a good 'ol friend at a curry restaurant

Had a curry and naan with a long-time friend and caught up with her!  It's always very interesting to talk with her because she's a scientist and is an expat living in Japan.  She supported me go through a difficult time, and I really appreciate it.  It's so fortunate that I have her in my life! Her cheerful and dependable character is hard to find.

We talked about AI and science cos she attended a conference the other day.  She witnessed a heated debate between two professors, one is anti-AI, and the other anti-humanity.  They were discussing which is better, AI-generated writing or human-generated writing.  The extent of writing you could prompt ChatGPT to do is crazy now. But the problem is that ChatGPT is very poor in giving you credible refereneces for hypothesis or facts - it'd just give you fake papers and fake references.

A bioscience publisher was there at the panel discussion and said it is developing a tool that helps non-native English speakers to "write" a paper. How? A researcher can just input figures and tables, and the tool will write text to describe and interpret the data in English for them!  How accurate would it describe or interpret the results?  And how would it write a story within the context of existing literature?  I have no idea, but it is kind of concerning because it might discourage researchers to write even more.  The skills to compose declined a lot already with the advent of smartphones, google searching, and ChatGPT.  It would just aggravate the situation, and humans may become incapable of creating anything on their own..?

Another interesting topic is open access.  Open access fees are super high now- 3k or 4k USD is uncommon.  In the US, you include publication fees to your grant application. But how does it work in a Japanese univeresity?  She heard professors saying they cannot include publications fees to their grant money because grant money should be spent for research, not publication cost.  But publishing is an important part of your research, too!  I need some in-person interview or information digging to evaluate what is going on with Japan's research.  Either way, we are both fortunate to not have to worry about grant money or the high publication fees. Geez.

We also talked about cultural differences in conversations and dialogues.  In Western culture, it is the speaker's responsibility to get your point across to your audience, and it's your fault if your audience does not understand you.  On the other hand, in Japan, people are expected to read their mind, or play catch in communication, and the audience is expected to ask multiple questions in order to understand the speaker's points.  

Communication is not just a cultural thing, but also it's a skill to develop.  There are people in Singapore or around the world who fall short of communication skills and do not explain much or just send a picture or a URL without explanation for various reasons - cultural, being lazy, or not seeing the importance of adding extra comments (it may be considered as being lazy also).  For me, I have a mental block that makes me over-afraid of being the sole speaker and making the other person annoyed or bored.

Perhaps I have bad experiences of being treated like just a wall, with the other person never ending talking.  But I should get over it and be more willing to hone my communication skills, explaining things in detail in a concise way to make myself understood.  

Meeting the extrovert guy who talks a lot but not in an overwhelming way motivated me a lot.  

She gave me a Christmas gift, too... I'm spoiled.  It's very nice of her, and it reminds me of the spirit of giving.  So thankful!  I'm very fortunate to have her.


ki 汽 Levanese restaurant

Had a very nice breakfast with a friend that has similar values and interests as me. It's fortunate that we get to hang out with and spend time together.  

Ki is a Levanese restaurant famous for its hummus and grey colored pita bread made with charcoal, I think?  It has been on my to go list for a long time, but I never had a chance to.  Then I found that a friend of mine also wanted to go.  Perfect timing!  We visited a few other places, shrines and temples, and a book cafe, making it a whole day of excursion.  It's such a nice trip together in late autumn in Kyoto.  It's so fortunate to have someone like her to be able to discuss many things quite frankly.  Made me think a lot about what a partnership is.  There should be more than just two-person relationship for it to work, seems like?  It's a topic to discuss with other people, as well.. 









  1. 何が欲しいですか。
  2. いつそれを手に入れたいですか。
  3. それを手に入れるために、何が必要ですか。
  4. なぜそれがほしいのですか。
  5. どうしたらそれが手に入りますか。
  6. それを手に入れたらどうなりますか。
  7. やはり、ほしいものでしたか。
  8. 手に入れるために最も障害になっているものは何ですか。
  9. どうしたらその障害を取り除けますか。

名前の聞き方 「名前は何というんでしたっけ」「木村です」「木村さんは知っているよ。下の名前」「たくやです」「ああ、たくやさんね。道理でハンサムなわけだ、たくやさんは」


意外性 仕事も見た目も完璧、な人は逆にモテない。完璧だと意外性がないから。


コアカラーを決める。自分の人柄や仕事内容に合うような。 議員…赤(赤じゅうたん、当選する)。 水産…青、白。 新人…白、若草色。コアカラーを服や小物(名刺入れなど)に使うようにする。


笑顔… 口を閉じた笑顔はリーダーシップ。指2本開ける笑顔は信頼感。指3本開ける笑顔は親しみやすさ。


軸1 冷たさーーー温かさ

軸2 親しみーーーリーダーシップ


Polish restaurant - Max 1921

This place is run by a couple who lived in Poland for a long time, and they serve various kinds of Polish dishes. Moreover, they display a lot of books of various genre in the restaurant!!  Art, politics, economy, languages, cooking.. so many kinds of books. Perhaps many have something to do with Europe.  It's like a book cafe with comfortable atomosphere.  Regulars come and chat with the owners.  The basement is even more interesting - it is like a salong with more books, CDs, comics, and old newspapers like those from the 70s!  It's a valuable collection.  There is a big table in the middle with about eight chairs, where meetings and workshops could be held.  

One magazine that caught my attention is one about Mishima Yukio's harakiri.  Mishima Yukio is a novelist and later a political activist, who represents the confusition and changes that early Showa era witnessed.  He and his company occupied a self-defense force's office, declared coup but received no support from the SDF officers, and killed himself.  That happened in 1970 and was a shocking incident in that era.  It's not a long time ago if you think about it.  

Anyway.. it was quite an interesting place to be, and the food was good.  Zurek is a soup with sour soup stock made from rye with lots of ingredients like carrot, onion, selery, and bacon. I'd love to try other dishes, too.

Max 1921 Book Cafe

Zurek soup and Polish (?) saucage.

Salon in the basement!




1.自己受容 … 自分のことをそのまま受け入れる。こんな自分でもいい。

2.他者信頼 … 他者は自分を傷つけない。受け入れてくれる、と信じる。

3.他者貢献 … 他者を助け、貢献し、それが自分の喜びに繋がる。

善 は、 正義 と同じではない。価値 と同じでもない。



i. 警察に捕まるから

ii. 私が怪我をするから

iii. 私も怪我をするかもしれないし、相手も怪我をするかも。

相手、他者のことを思いやる。ここまでの視点を。ずっと自分を守ることが最優先で、ii の考え方が生きるために必要だった人は、iii の考え方を身につけると一皮剥ける。


「ゲイだけど質問ある?」 / 鈴掛真














西芳寺(苔寺)Saihouji (Moss Temple)

念願かなって、西芳寺(苔寺)に行ってきました! 苔寺の名に違わぬ、苔の緑の美しい場所でした。731年に行基菩薩が開山、その後臨済宗のお寺に。スティーブ・ジョブズも何度も訪れていたとか。ここは、10時または10時半のみの事前予約制で、写経し、それから庭をぐるりと見て、12時には完全閉門。それからお坊さんたちの修行やお勤めが始まるのだろう。仏教徒は、宗教施設とは、こうあるべきだよね、と思わせられる。観光地化されて、ひっきりなしに観光客が訪れる多くの寺社仏閣とは対照的です。来訪者は多いですが、境内は広く、皆静かに鑑賞しているので、静かさと落ち着きを感じられる場所でした。ちょうど敷き紅葉になっているのも良かった。素晴らしいタイミングでした。

At last, I had a long-awaited visit to Saiho-ji temple (moss temple).  The temple was founded by Gyoki in 731 and later became a temple of the Rinzai sect of Zen Buddhism.  I heard that Steve Jobs visited there many times in his late years.  To visit this place, you must reserve in advance to enter only at 10:00 or 10:30 a.m.  You will first do sutra copying, then walk around moss the garden, and the gate closes to visitors completely at 12:00 p.m.  Then the monks would begin their training and the service.  It makes me realize what Buddhists and religious facilities in general should be like.  This is in contrast to many temples and shrines that have been turned into tourist attractions and are visited incessantly by tourists.  Although there were many visitors to this temple, the garden is spacious and everyone is quietly appreciating the beauty of the place, so it was a place where you could feel quiet and calm.  It was also nice that the red leaves made a carpet on the bed of brightly green moss.  Perfect timing! 


洋食レストラン Saffran Saffran


It's a proper Japanized-Western food restaurant.  The food was so delicious ... The fried shrimps were crispy, and sauteed chicken also grilled well.  I had French lunch on that day, but I was hungry again after helping organizing a social event. So... it was an exception, as it's rare for me to have a big dinner like this.  Life is good. 

Saffran Saffran



Lantern Festival at Manpuku-ji temple

Went to the lantern festival at Manpuku-ji temple near Uji city. It's 20 min by JR from Kyoto station. It was founded by a Chinese monk, Ingen Ryuki, so the temple clearly has a Chinese atomosphere, the buildings and the decorations alike.  This monk brought common beans to Japan, and that's why beans are called "Ingen" in Japanese.  Even the enshrined is Hotei, a god from China for good luck, not Buddha.  The venue was festive with lots of huge lit-up baloons and hanged lanterns.  I've never been to a temple in China, but I wonder if it resembles a festival at a temple in mainland China.  Well, but there was a hula performance dancing to the song "Hallelujah", which.. threw us into a deep confusion.  It was a memorable experience in so many ways.  I'm so glad I had great company to share the fun with.

黄檗宗総本山 萬福寺でランタンフェスティバルがあったので行ってきました! 中国の僧、隠元隆琦が開山したそうで、確か彼は日本にいんげん豆をもたらした人。建物にしても装飾にしても、とても中国の趣が強い。祈る対象は、ブッダ(仏様)ではなく布袋さんだったし。とても興味深かった…。本場中国のお寺に行ったことはないけれど、中国のお寺とは、ランタンフェスとは、こんな感じなのだろうか? しかし、ハレルヤ(キリスト教曲)に乗せたフラダンスの演目もあり…え???( ゚д゚)ってなった。何かいろいろと…面白い経験だった。一緒に行ってくれる人達がいてほんとありがたい!!