


コワーキングスペースに飾りましたーー 次は何を作ろうかな…

Finally I finished making my miniature SOHO office after over a year working on it on and off... I enjoy this kind of work using my hands very much.  The LED light lights up! I connected the light bulb wires to the battery cell!  It was thrilling.  I wonder what I should make next time. 





「我々はどこから来たのか、我々は何者か、我々はどこへ行くのか」は、ゴーギャンの有名な絵の題だった。フランス語では、D'où venons-nous ? Que sommes-nous ? Où allons-nous ?  かつてはゴッホとともにフランスのアルルで画家の楽園を作ろうとするも、ゴッホとうまくいかずパリへ戻る。文明化していくパリを嫌い、タヒチへわたった。パリ万博で、ジャワの踊り子たちに感銘を受けたからだったそうだ。しかし、病気によって心身ともに良くはなかった。そんな中描かれたのがこの我々はどこから〜の絵画だった。楽園とも見えるが、なんだか落ち着かない感じもするし、色的にも、明るく楽しい感じではない。まさに、題のような問いを問いかける。



エドゥアール・マネ「わたしはこの生活を愛する。社交界を、ざわめきを、光を、パーティーを、そして色を。」 生粋のパリジャンで、おしゃれな格好をしてパリの街を歩き、カフェ巡りをしていたマネ。パリには思い入れがあった。最後の大作は、パリの劇場に併設されるバーで、人々が喧騒の中雑談している様子。主題となっている給仕の女性の落ち着いた表情や、画面の暗さもあって、シックで、物悲しいというか、さすがはマネの晩年の作品。30年くらいあとに出てくるロートレックも、ムーラン・ルージュの内部の様子を描いているが、これは華やかで明るい感じ。









閑話休題。博多に4年も住んでいたのに、もつ鍋は多分一回くらいしか食べたことなかった。改めて食レポすると… ホルモンって、やっぱり脂っこいし服に臭いつくけど、不思議な美味しさがある…、とちょっと分かってきた。

 右奥 酢もつ、右手前 生センマイ。コリコリ食感…。




DIYで作っているミニチュア模型がもうすぐ完成! 期間を開けていたら、接着剤の水分が蒸発してしまって使えなくなった…ので、最初に木工用ボンドを買ってみたら、金属・プラスチックは付けられないということに後で気づいた…。なので金属・プラスチックにも使える接着剤も買った。予想外の出費。木・紙・布・木を着けるやつは安いのに、金属・プラを着けるやつって高いんだ。







相国寺と承天閣美術館 Shokokuji and Shotenkaku Art Museum


仏教に深く帰依していた若冲。居士(こじ、在野にいる修行僧のこと)と名乗っていた。仏教の教えのひとつに、「山川草木 悉皆成仏」とあり、山河や植物など、心を持たないものも、仏性があるので、仏になりうる。という意味だそう。まさに、自然の万物を見つめて、微に入り細を穿って描いた若冲にぴったり。




Jakuchu Ito was the son of a greengrocer in Nishiki Market and succeeded his father's business, but when he was around 40 years old, he gave it to his younger brother and retired early to become an amateur painter, painting whatever he wanted whenever he wanted.  He never married, never indulged in other leisure activities, but simply painted. (But it is also said that when there was a dispute in Nishiki Market, he worked hard to resolve it.)  Then, he had a life-changing encounter with Baishou Kenjo, a high priest of Shokokuji Temple.  He was the one who saw Jakuchu's talent and commissioned him to create 50 sliding door paintings for the Kinkakuji (golden) temple.  Also, because he had been frequently visiting Shokokuji Temple, he was able to see Chinese paintings in the temple's collection, which were rarely seen in Japan during the period of national isolation, and used them as models for his paintings.

Jakuchu was deeply devoted to Buddhism.  He called himself a koji (a monk in the ordinary/secular world).  One of the Buddhist teachings says "Mountains, rivers, plants, and trees could all become Buddhas", which means that even things that do not have a heart, such as mountains, rivers, and plants, have a Buddha-like nature and have a potential to become Buddhas.  This is exactly what Jakuchu, a painter who looked at all things in nature and painted with a meticulous attention to detail, would have wanted.

The original of the 30 paintings of the "animals and plants in vivid colors" series were donated to the Imperial Household Agency in the Meiji period (1868-1912). So, a reproduction of them were on display.  It is a pity that it is not the original, but the donation of these paintings earned the temple a reward from the Imperial Household Agency, which enabled Shokokuji to buy back the land that used to be within its precincts, and then it became a large temple once again with a huge area.  Within the premises are the lecture hall, Hojo with a garden, and various other smaller temples.  The lecture hall has a large dragon on the ceiling!  I was lucky to see the dragon second time this January.  There is a certain spot inside where you clap your hands, and the sound is reflected back to you; thus it is also called a "cry dragon.  The dragon was a gigantic powerful picture, as if it was trying to climb up to the sky.

The sliding door and wall paintings of Kinkakuji Temple were on display, the real thing. The large "Moonlit Basho" depicting a Basho (banana tree) swaying in the night wind was wonderful.  However, the basho was rarely planted in private gardens but only in temples, because its wind-swept appearance was thought to be melancholy.  In fact, it was called "garden abhorrence".  On the other hand, grapes are depicted on the sliding doors of the most prestigious room, the Ichinoma.  Grapes were favored as a symbol of fertility and abundance because of their vigorous reproductive capacity and ability to spread on the vine, as well as their abundant fruit that forms clusters.  There could be many ways of interpreting plants though.... Basho could also be a symbol of fertility because of its strong vigor and large leaves and height.  But anyway.

There were a lot of people there - groups and so on even though it was a Monday!  As one would expect from Jakuchu's popularity and the January of the Year of Dragon.... Kyoto's four seasons never cease to fascinate me!



Souvenir from Australia オーストラリアからのお土産

オーストラリアのお友達がTimTam をくれました! オーストラリアといえばこれ、というくらいの代表的なお菓子。チョコクッキーにさらにチョコクリームが挟まれていて甘い。

Health Star Rating の表示があって、0-5段階中、0.5だった…! そりゃそうだよね! 0点がないのは、食品会社への配慮か。オーストラリアのニュース記事によると、スーパーに並んでいる品のうち、3以上のまあまあ健康な食品が36%, 残りの64%は2以下のあまり健康的ではない食品だったそうで…、でもどうやら表示は強制ではないらしい。ということは2以下がもっと多いかもしれないな。ジャンクフードにはそもそも表示がされていない可能性があるので。ほほう。



Arashiyama bamboo forest! 嵐山の竹林


After the garden tour, we took the Randen train to Arashiyama. We ate udon/soba noodles and visited a bamboo grove.  The bamboo grove extends quite far from the station.  The deeper you go, the fewer people there are, and I recommend it!



Ryoan ji temple 龍安寺

The second temple with a beautiful garden that we have visited on a cold cloudy day in January! 

Buit in around 1450s, Ryoan ji is a zen temple with a world-heritage stone-sand garden and a big pond that you can go around.  It is famous for autumn foliage, but it is still quiet and beautiful in other seasons. The stone-sand garden is said to have 15 stones, expressing the ocean, mountains, and clouds. (We could find only 14 stones, but anyway...)  It is a small temple sitting on a large piece of land. It is relaxing to walk around the pond, see some ducks in it and view the plants and the mountains in the background.  It is so nice to spend an afternoon like this.  There were dragon paintings on screen doors for public viewing for a limited time.  Perfect for the start of the year of dragon.  I'm lucky to live near a lot of beautiful temples and shrines like this in this city.

お庭ツアー第二弾、龍安寺に行きました。枯山水の庭が有名な禅寺。世界遺産となっているそうな。枯山水の庭には15個の石を配しているらしいけれど、14個しか見つけられなかった…。?? 公開している建物の部分はわりとこぢんまりしているけれど、池が大きくて綺麗。池を一周して、植物や鴨、アヒル?などを愛でるのはとても贅沢な時間。今年の干支、龍の襖絵も、期間限定で公開していました! 


Touji in temple 等持院

With an old friend went to Touji in temple. It was founded by Ashikaga Takauji in 1341, the founder of the Muromachi period (regime) in Japan. This temple was Ashikaga clan temple, holding funerals for several Ahikaga  shoguns. In the beautiful garden is Takauji's tomb!   It's located in a tranquill neighborhood, hidden from tourists. Very few visitors were there, on a cold cloudy day in January.  It had a claming atmosphere where you just want to close your eyes and contemplate on life. Truly a hidden gem of historic importance. 

室町幕府を開いた足利尊氏によって建てられた、等持院。お庭好きのお友達と来訪して来ました。尊氏のお墓もある! 閑静な住宅地にひっそりと存在していて、本当の穴場。庭は広く、種々の植栽が面白い。静かで穏やかな雰囲気は、心を落ち着けるのにぴったり。歴史的にも重要な史跡です。


鏡開き kagami biraki New year's mochi eating





We had a kagami-mochi (stacked round rice cake with a mandarin orange on top for the new year) displayed at the entrance of our co-working space.  It was displayed from the end of December and till January 15th. Then, we will eat the mochi to have good luck.  This eating kagami-mochi is called "Kagami-biraki", which literally means to "open a mirror".  Why is that? 

In the ancient times, mirror was a precious object that only highly ranked nobles were able to posess.  Due to the rarity and the unique characteristic of "mirroring" images, mirrors were believed to have divine power.  Kagami, or mirror, is a special object, and round shaped mochi was named after it.

Verbs like "to break" or "to cut" were avoided because it might bring bad luck; instead, breaking kagami-mochi was described as "to open" it.  The verb open is associated with better luck, indicating wide possibilities and future prosperity.  So interesting!!


みんなで初詣〜〜 New Year's visit to a dragon shrine!

有志6人で、初詣に行きました☆ 大人の遠足。車出してくれた方ありがとう…! バスがあまり通っていない、車で行く甲斐のある、九頭竜神社へ! 辰年なので、うってつけです。そのあと、猫猫寺をひやかして、八瀬(やせ)天満宮にも。だーれもいなくて、静かなところでした。車中では話に花が咲き、夜は韓国焼肉を堪能!しました!! 深い話もできて、幸せ〜

Went to Hatsumode (New Year's visit to a shrine) with six of my 'co-workers'!  So called an excursion for adults.  Big thanks to the person who drove us around!  We went to Kuzuryu Shrine, which is not well served by buses and worth the drive!  Our visit is a perfect timing because it's the year of the dragon.  After that, we went to Nekonekoji Temple and Yase Tenmangu Shrine as well.  The area was quiet with mountains behind, with no one around.  In the car, we had a great time talking and enjoyed Korean barbeque at night!  We had deep conversations over dinner.  It is fortunate that I have coworkers whom I can engage in this kind of activities with.  So thankful.