
鏡開き kagami biraki New year's mochi eating





We had a kagami-mochi (stacked round rice cake with a mandarin orange on top for the new year) displayed at the entrance of our co-working space.  It was displayed from the end of December and till January 15th. Then, we will eat the mochi to have good luck.  This eating kagami-mochi is called "Kagami-biraki", which literally means to "open a mirror".  Why is that? 

In the ancient times, mirror was a precious object that only highly ranked nobles were able to posess.  Due to the rarity and the unique characteristic of "mirroring" images, mirrors were believed to have divine power.  Kagami, or mirror, is a special object, and round shaped mochi was named after it.

Verbs like "to break" or "to cut" were avoided because it might bring bad luck; instead, breaking kagami-mochi was described as "to open" it.  The verb open is associated with better luck, indicating wide possibilities and future prosperity.  So interesting!!

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