
雨上がりの月光浴 Clair de Lune


It rained all day yesterday, so I stayed at home.  I hadn't planned on taking a walk at all, but when I went outside at night just to take out the trash, my feet started moving as if I were being pulled in by the moon.  The air after the rain was so refreshing.  It was moist and calm, cool but not biting cold like midwinter.  And there was the shining, radiant full moon.  It sparkled beautifully in the clear post-rain sky, not completely dark but tinged with blue, typical of just after the night had fallen.  It felt like seeing a gemstone of the moon, gently placed on a navy blue velvet tablecloth.  The stars twinkled just as bright as the moonlight.  The scattered clouds were also lovely.  Short buildings of Kyoto makes the sky high and amazing. It is the best.  It is truly the best.  It makes me feel so happy and fulfilled.  It inspired me to draw for the first time in a long while.  Basking in the moonlight, serotonin must've been overflowing in my body!  And a bonus was that I came up with a good short story for my cartoon. Nice.  

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