
美山 かやぶきの里 A day trip to Miyama

It was a perfect day for a day trip to Miyama, a village in the northern part of Kyoto prefecture. It is famous for houses with thatched roof.  They grow their own thatch, dry it, and make it into roof materials. They replace the roof once every 20 years. It's surprising how long-lasting it is.  The village has a lot to offer, a cafe, a pizza restaurant, a bakery, a folklore museum, many temples and shrines, a nature trail, and spots with nice view of the village and the mountains. Yura river runs fast, and it is totally clear and clean! It was truly a lovely excursion thanks to my friends who made it happen!! 

美山のかやぶきの里に行ってきました。車がないとなかなか行けない場所で、ずっと行きたかったので嬉しい。のどかな風景に、お店や食べるところや民俗資料館などもあって、川も透明度高く美しく、見ごたえがありました。桜の時期は超混むらしい。早めに行けてよかった。運転・案内してくれたお友達たちのおかげで実現しましたーありがとうございました!!  夜は抹茶ビールで乾杯! 彼らのやりたいことリストがチェックたくさんされていて良かったねーとみまもっています笑

A friendly dog at a pizza restaurant 

Indigo Museum is in the largest thatched house of the village.

Indigo workshop

Thatch is harveted yearly and dried.

Matcha beer!!!

Kyoto Tower Sando food court was busy.

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