夕ご飯は、イタリアンみかづきでテイクアウト。老舗人気店らしい。イタリアンと標榜しつつ…味付けは焼きそばだった。でもエビチリとか、きのこクリームソースとかかかってる。とても面白い!たしかに、クセになる味…かも…! 翌日、残りをホテルの電子レンジで温めて、それを持ってエレベーターに乗ったら、後で乗ってきた同い年くらいの女性が、「めっちゃいいにおいする」と話しかけて?ひとりごちて?くれたので、「みかづきです」と答えると、「ノーマル?」「いや、エビチリです」「あー、それはうまい。間違いない」「ほんと美味しいですよね」と話ができた。こんなに話しかけてくれる人、珍しい。きっと北米かオーストラリアで留学してたんじゃないかと予測。それにしても、話しかけるのに躊躇しない人柄なんだろうな。とても嬉しかった〜
We had a take out for dinner at Italian Mikazuki. It seems to be a long-established and popular restaurant. Although it claims to be Italian, the seasoning was Chinese fried noodles. You can choose various toppings and sauce from Italian tomato, shrimp chili, and mushroom cream sauce. Very interesting! It was indeed an addictive taste...I think...! The next day, I heated up the leftover in the hotel's microwave oven and took it to the elevator. Then a lady hopped into the elevator I was in. And she said, "It smells so good", like she was talking to herself, or she was talking to me. I answered, "It's from Mikazuki," to which she replied, "Regular?" "No, it's shrimp chili." "Oh, that's delicious. No doubt about it." "It's really tasty, isn't it?" We had a good, one-minute conversation. It is rare for someone to talk to me like this in Japan. I predict that she must have studied abroad in North America or Australia. But still, she must have a personality that makes her not hesitate to talk to me even in Japan. I was very happy that she did!
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