
Niigata 2 すずやさんで乾杯 Dinner at a local restaurant

それから新潟のお友達と再会! 熱燗であったまり、野菜のたくさん入った「のっぺ」、カレーの味付けをした鶏肉の唐揚げ、ふきのとうの天ぷらなど、季節の名物をたくさんいただきました。日本酒がやはり多くてとても迷ってしまうーー! 「五百万石」という酒米で作られた酒が美味しかった。新潟の気候にあった、早稲品種。心白が大きいので麹が作りやすいが、50%以上の精白は難しい。五百万石と山田錦をかけ合わせて作ったのが、越淡麗。50%以上の精白にも耐え、超淡麗な酒も作れるようになった。育種の歴史がわかる。気候変動で夏が長くなっていることから、成熟期が真夏に当たらないよう、晩稲品種「新之助」を開発したという話も読んだけれど。それは、コシヒカリと作期がかぶらないようにという目的もあったかもしれない。

柳都古町 旬菜 すゞ家

Then we met again with a friend of mine from Niigata!  We warmed up with hot sake and enjoyed many seasonal specialties such as "noppe", soup with lots of vegetables, fried chicken seasoned with curry, and butterbur tempura.  There were so many sake on the menu that it was hard to decide which one to try!  The sake made from "Gohyakumangoku" rice variety was delicious.  It is an early-maturing variety suited to Niigata's climate.  Its large mid-white part makes it easy to make koji, but it is difficult to pearl it more than 50%.  "Koshitanrei" was created by crossing two varieties - Gohyakumangoku and Yamadanishiki, and it can withstand more than 50% polishing, making it possible to produce super-dry sake.  The history of rice breeding.  Interestingly, however, I have also read that the climate change has resulted in longer summers, so they developed a late-maturing  rice variety called "Shinnosuke" so that the ripening period would not fall in the middle of summer.  This may have been done to avoid overlap with the Koshihikari variety, the competitor, the most popular rice variety.

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