
Niigata 3 せんべい王国 Rice cracker factory/shop visit

2日目はあいにくの雨。しかも雪国の冷たい雨。ニモマケズ、JR線それから15分程歩いてせんべい王国(米菓工場見学、ショップ)へ。気候が良ければ全然たいしたことないんだろうけど、雨・風・寒さでなかなかの道のりだった。前日手袋を無くしたので余計に。でも、行った甲斐あった!せんべいに手描きの絵をプリントして、それを自分で炙って焼くという面白い体験ができた〜 豆ちゃん✕新潟のコラボができてよかった。それにしても、手焼きの火元の熱いこと。汗ばむほどだったけど、冷えた身体にはちょうどよかった。でも手焼きの大変さがよくわかった。手焼きせんべい、高いわけだ。写真撮影係をしてくれた友だちに感謝〜こういうの、やっぱり複数人で行った方が楽しい。お店も変わり種のせんべいがたくさんおいてあって目移りするし、休日だったので製造ラインは動いてなかったけど、せんべい工場も見れたし。とても楽しかった〜

Unfortunately, it rained on the second day.  And it was a cold rain typical in a snowy/cold region.  We took the JR line and walked about 15 minutes to Senbei Kingdom (rice cracker factory museum and store).  It would have been no big deal if the weather was nice, but the rain, wind, and cold temperature made it quite a challenge.  I lost my gloves the day before, so it was even worse.  But it was worth it!  I had the interesting experience of printing my hand-drawn image on a rice cracker and roasting it myself - a great collaboration between Mame-chan and Niigata!  The fire was so hot that I was sweating, but it was just right to warm us up.  I could see how hard it is to bake rice crackers by hand.  No wonder hand-baked rice crackers are more expensive.  Thanks to my friend who was in charge of taking pictures.   These things are more fun when I have company, too. There were so many different kinds of rice crackers in the store that it was hard to choose which one to pick.  Although it was a holiday and the production line was not running, we were able to see the rice cracker factory setup.  It was a lot of fun!


Our creations!!

Curry bread and fried potato

You can draw on a rice cracker or print an image to one and hand-bake it. 

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