
Niigata 4 へぎそば Hegi-soba noodles

それから新潟駅の蕎麦屋さんで、新潟在住のお友達オススメのへぎそばをいただく。「へぎ」とは、ザルのことで、ザルの上にひとかたまりずつに「つ」の字に並べるらしい。だから蕎麦の種類ではない…たぶん。ただ、そばの種類は、ふのりを混ぜ込んだ薄緑色の蕎麦で、普通のとは違う。さらに、「柿の葉そば」なる物もあった。食べてみたかった〜次回! キャリアとか日本の暮らしとか、将来の夢とかについて語った。こういうことを話せるって貴重な時間。


Then, we went to a soba restaurant in Niigata Station to have hegi-soba, which was recommended by a friend of mine who lives in Niigata.  "Hegi" means "colander," and it is supposed to be arranged in groups on a colander in the shape of a half oval.  So hegi does not refer to a type of soba... I think.  However, the type of soba we ate there was a light green color with seaweed mixed in, which is different from the usual type of soba.  Interesting..  There was also something called "Kakinoha Soba" (persimmon leaf buckwheat noodle), which is I imagine buckwheat noodles with persimmon leaf mixed in.  I wanted to try it but not enough room - next time!  We talked about our careers, life in Japan, the local culture, and dreams for the future.  It was a precious time to talk about such things, and I'm grateful that I have a close friend like her.

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